The Joseph story starts when he was seventeen years old and ends with his death at one hundred and ten. These years included near death experiences, hatred among brothers, jealousy, a bizarre world of dreams, temptation, imprisonment, and his rise to power as grand vizier of Egypt. All of these events led to a change--once an arrogant young man with grandiose dreams, now he became a down to earth man with a sense of humility and a basic sentiment of religion. There was no more hatred among brothers, but love, which led to their eventual reconciliation. Joseph's life as portrayed in the book of Genesis was the starting point of many legends and commentaries found in the Talmud, Midrashim, and medieval commentaries. His behavior was an exemplary prototype of a righteous man; it served as a model for how a person should conduct himself.
“Shaul Bar provides us once again with a brilliant analysis of this biblical saga. He thoroughly analyzes Joseph’s personality from childhood to death and studies the reception of the story through the generations. Particularly unique is his dealing with a long and old list of Jewish perceptions of the story, including Late Roman, medieval, and modern interpretations and commentaries. In a clear and rich language, the book appeals to students and scholars alike.”
—Rami Arav, professor of religion, University of Nebraska at Omaha