This program, narrated by Dr. Lou Tartaglia and woven together with personal insights from Father Angelo, includes some of the rarest recordings ever presented to the public from Mother Teresa. The result is a rare glimpse into Mother Teresa’s private thoughts and spiritual insights … and a practical blueprint for creating a life of deeply authentic spirituality, according to her example. The twentieth century was deeply impacted by one of the greatest, most inspiring spiritual leaders of all time: Mother Teresa of Calcutta. For millions of people around the world, Mother Teresa stood as the ultimate example of belief and faith in action. She was living proof that one person, filled with love, purpose, and determination, really can make a difference-can, in fact, touch the entire world. This program, narrated by Dr. Lou Tartaglia and woven together with personal insights from Father Angelo, includes some of the rarest recordings ever presented to the public from Mother Teresa herself. The result is something truly unprecedented: A rare and precious glimpse into Mother Teresa’s private thoughts and spiritual insights … and a practical blueprint for creating a life of deeply authentic spirituality, according to her example.