Digital Logos Edition
A Harmony of the Synoptic Gospels, by Ernest DeWitt Burton and Edgar Johnson Goodspeed helps students of the Bible ascertain the relationship between the three Synoptic Gospels. The purpose of the Burton and Goodspeed Harmony is not mere harmonization of a historical order of events. Rather, it exhibits the facts of parallelism as they stand in the Gospels, both facilitating and promoting the historical study of the Gospels. The Harmony contributes to a better understanding of the relationship of the Gospels to one another, and to a fuller knowledge of the life and teachings of Jesus.
“compelled to go with them, that he might bear his cross.” (Matthew 27:32) |
“Many shall come in my name, saying, I am he; and shall lead many astray.” (Mark 13:6) |
“We have followed the order of Mark for all sections found in Mark, placing the parallel sections of Matthew and Luke in parallelism with those of Mark. The reason for this preference of the order of Mark over that of the other gospels is the fact now generally recognized, that it is historically and genetically prior to theirs.” (source)
“It is now a commonplace of biblical study on the one hand that the Fourth Gospel is the product of a later time than that in which the Synoptic Gospels were produced and of a different kind of literary process; and on the other, that the first three gospels are related to one another by an intimate genealogical connection.” (source)
“The Parts have been divided into sections, the extent of which has” (source)
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Aaron Raju