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Products>Our Exodus Story: Reclaiming the Image of God

Our Exodus Story: Reclaiming the Image of God


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Every person has an exodus story, a vast, complex, multilayered spiritual journey. On the one hand, it is a biological journey from birth to death, and a social journey from infancy to adulthood. In this regard, it is a story of growing up, of leaving home and taking risks, of making mistakes and learning from them, of reaching goals and surpassing them.
Our Exodus Story speaks of human life as a gossamer bridge that binds us as people with God, others, and with our inner being. This journey of faith is described as a "holy balancing act" between the three sources of authority for people of faith--experience, Scripture, and tradition. Bonded umbilically to one another and to God, each of us bears exodus-like and cross-like experiences.
Personality and spirituality are deeply interrelated, so much that neither function adequately apart from the other. Though not identical, they strive to be in sync, balancing one another in profound and intimate ways. Personality takes the lead, and where personality goes, spirituality follows, though not blindly or passively. Spirituality has its own voice, and when its desires are addressed and heeded, personality thrives.
This book is unique in that each of its four protagonists exhibits distinct dominant personality characteristics, their experiences bearing archetypal relevance and universal appeal. Their stories, individual and combined, are epic, the protagonists and families as complex as their biblical patriarchal and matriarchal counterparts, yet as current as today's top stories. As you read, you are invited on your own inner journey to peace, wholeness, and well-being.

Robert P. Vande Kappelle is college chaplain and professor of religious studies at Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous books, including his Adventures in Spirituality trilogy: Love Never Fails (2006), The Invisible Mountain (2010), and Into Thin Places (2011). His most recent titles are Beyond Belief (2012), a theological gestalt, and Iron Sharpens Iron (2013) as well as its discussion guide (2013). He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA).


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    Digital list price: $23.00
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