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First Corinthians: An Exegetical and Explanatory Commentary

ISBN: 9781556359330

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In most areas of this Epistle, B. Ward Powers has come to share the interpretation of Paul’s meaning held by the Early Church Fathers; although he explains and expounds those views. This is particularly the case in relation to chapters 12 through 14 where, in keeping with the Early Church Fathers, the Reformers, most Scripture expositors until recent times, and many present-day exegetes, Powers expounds the interpretation that “tongues” refers to human languages spoken on earth. The one major area where Powers parts company with the Fathers of the first Christian centuries is in relation to matters of sex and marriage, divorce and remarriage, and attitudes to women generally. Here Powers explains that Paul is more affirming of sex, marriage and remarriage, and women than many early writers (and some modern writers) have understood him to be. “We need at times to take considerable care,” he writes, “to understand the meaning of what Paul says to the Corinthians, and in coming to terms with how this teaching is to apply to us in today’s world. But when we have arrived at our understanding of these things, then there is no question: this is the Word of God to us, and we must take it very seriously indeed. We cannot just dismiss it offhandedly and simply say, ‘Well, that is just Paul’s opinion, and we can take it or leave it.’ Not at all: Paul has explained clearly that what he writes comes with the inspiration and authority of the Holy Spirit of God.”

  • Title: First Corinthians: An Exegetical and Explanatory Commentary
  • Author: B. Ward Powers
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock
  • Print Publication Date: 2008
  • Logos Release Date: 2023
  • Pages: 481
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. 1 Corinthians › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9781556359330, 1556359330
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-05-15T18:42:52Z


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