The enormous Pentecostal and charismatic movement—often called Renewalist—has highlighted the power of the Holy Spirit but has rarely emphasized the movement’s educational range and reach. Formal and informal teaching in many schools, colleges, seminaries, church campuses, homes, and parachurches all contribute to a scattered and varied teaching impetus. Pentecostal and Charismatic Education: Renewalist Education Wherever it is Found looks at education through the eyes of those who see God at work in the world through the church and beyond. The book explores questions like: What should parents look for in a child’s education and what choices do they have? What educational role can churches have? This book offers a worldview invested with traditional Christian theology, but also enlivened by an understanding of the continuing outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Chapter One: Aims, Ethics, and Means of Education
Chapter Two: How Did We Get Here?
Chapter Three: Theory and Orientation
Chapter Four: Science and Human Development
Chapter Five: Primary Education
Chapter Six: Secondary Education
Chapter Seven: Higher Education
Chapter Eight: Parachurch Education
Chapter Nine: Church Education
About the Authors
As someone involved in Pentecostal and Charismatic education for over 50 years, it gives me great pleasure wholeheartedly to endorse this informative and thought provoking study. A valuable resource for all those engaged in Christian education at any level, it is clear that the authors have a combined breadth and depth of experience in this field which will undoubtedly benefit all who read it.
Kay and Butler’s book, Pentecostal and Charismatic Education: Renewalist Education Wherever it is Found, provides an excellent introduction to and overview of the foundations and contexts of Pentecostal and charismatic (i.e. Renewalist) education. While emphasizing the education of the whole student, including the spiritual and the emotional, as well as the cognitive component, the book emphasizes that Renewalist education recognizes the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and aims to develop a biblical world view in learners. After laying a solid foundation for Renewalist education, the book discusses key places where education occurs -schools, colleges and universities, home, parachurch organizations, and church – and the roles of various actors in the education process. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone with an interest in Pentecostal and charismatic education, including parents, teachers, administrators, postsecondary students and pastors/clergy and a must-read for Pentecostal and charismatic teacher trainers.
This wide-ranging analysis of general education from a Renewalist perspective covers all the different locations where education takes place, offering many illuminating reflections on its aims, history, philosophy, theology, ethics and practice. Although the book is firmly based on the authors’ extensive scholarship and research, it presents an account that is both clear and accessible to the general reader who may be concerned with the education of their children – or of themselves.
William K Kay is senior lecturer in the Department of Education and Professional Studies at King’s College, London, and founding Director of the Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies at the University of Bangor.
Ewen H Butler ispart-time professor at Regent University.