This book proposes a radical critique of the methodological and onto-epistemological presuppositions of the catholic tradition of theology for the sake of a post-catholic Protestant reinterpretation of the Christian faith without metaphysics. Drawing from the thought of Michel Henry and Huldrych Zwingli while making unique contributions of its own, it addresses the method for theology, theological onto-epistemology, the doctrine of God, the person and work of Jesus, the nature of the Church and of Christian faith, and the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist.
1. Method
2. Onto-Epistemology
3. God
4. Jesus
5. The Church
6. Baptism and Eucharist
Concluding Remarks
Although bringing Michel Henry together with Huldrych Zwingli sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, Nemes shows how it actually leads to an original and compelling phenomenological rethinking of Christian theology.