Does God expect women who've lived faithfully most or all our lives to continue to grow in Christ as we age into our later decades? Absolutely! Not only does God want us to keep on maturing, but God provides the path to spiritual growth. God hardwired us to blossom into a new realm of spirituality as we age. Aging in Spirit provides a blueprint for developing the type of greater love, compassion, understanding, and acceptance that Jesus taught as we move into our elder years so we can continue to be the hands and feet of God until the end of our lives.
“Karen Kaigler-Walker is a beautiful writer and shares much wisdom for women as they journey into their later lives. I think this book is great for individual reflection or small group discussions.”
—Stephanie Miller, retired Presbyterian (PCUSA) pastor
“Karen Kaigler-Walker provides a warm and relatable description of spiritual development in maturing women. Using accessible language and personal anecdotes, bolstered with classic and contemporary psychological and spiritual resources, she has created a valuable tool for the spiritual journey of women in their later years.”
—Leigh Goodrich, senior pastor, Sudbury United Methodist Church
“Let me affirm that the Holy Spirit has led you to this book for a purpose. Karen Kaigler-Walker speaks an important message of hope with both authority and humility.”
—Lance Marshall, senior pastor, First United Methodist Church, Fort Worth
“Aging in Spirit is a must read for women of all spiritual levels. Karen Kaigler-Walker unearthed the root of lack of growth in spirit and provides both assessment and food for growth from Scripture and a wide range of sources. Although a believer for fifty-one years, I have room for growth and fully endorse Aging in Spirit for all women.”
—Dyrie Francis, associate pastor and director of women’s ministry, Living Word Open Bible Church
Karen Kaigler-Walker is a writer, speaker, and blogger on women’s spirituality. She is a professor emerita in marketing and psychology at Woodbury University in Burbank, California and former adjunct professor at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. She earned her BS and MS at Texas Tech University, MA in theology at Fuller Seminary, and PhD at The Ohio State University. She is the author of Positive Aging: Every Woman’s Quest for Wisdom and Beauty (1997).