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Products>Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament (3 vols.)

Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament (3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $58.97
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The author explains the significance of the Church’s earliest history, as recorded in the Book of Acts. The author approaches the Gospels first and foremost not as a literary work of antiquity, but as the revelation of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh. The author’s approach is thoroughly patristic, constantly turning to the Church Fathers for the elucidation of one or another particular verse, especially to the commentaries and expositions of St John Chrysostom, Blessed Theophylact of Ochrid, Blessed Theodoret of Cyrus, and most particularly to the voluminous Scriptural commentaries of St Theophan the Recluse. Archbishop Averky’s commentaries on the New Testament have become standard textbooks in Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary.

  • Provides a commentary that is firmly grounded in the teaching of the Church.
  • Approaches the Gospels as the revelation of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh.
  • Explains the significance of the Church’s earliest history.
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    Collection value: $58.97
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