A woman who has it all detours into a wilderness journey where a secret threatens to cost her everything. Ann Griffiths is a successful leader and a woman of faith. But when she experiences deep loss and God’s calling takes a backseat to her business ambitions, she finds herself in a dark place she can navigate only with God’s amazing grace. In this book, Ann is transparent about her journey and encourages others who might be lost in their own wilderness and in need of that same hope and grace. If you’re a woman who wants to Reignite Your Leadership Heart, this book will inspire you to unleash your full potential. Ann Griffiths has strong leadership insight and a passion to impact future generations. Her Bible school, business, and coaching credentials complement her extensive experience as a coach/mentor, entrepreneur, corporate executive, and ministry leader. She has launched programs for women in leadership and is the author of A Mentor’s Fingerprint: Leave a Mark. Make a Difference and Grandma’s Fingerprint: Love a Child. Change a Life. An accomplished drummer, Ann also enjoys reading and organizing anything. She currently serves as ministry director at her church in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, where she and her husband live. They have two children, four adult grandchildren, and in-loves who’ve been added to the family along the way.