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Products>The Seven Wounds of Christ : Where Skeptics, Cynics and Seekers Find Unexpected Healing (audio)

The Seven Wounds of Christ : Where Skeptics, Cynics and Seekers Find Unexpected Healing (audio)

ISBN: 9781646894956




In The Seven Wounds of Christ, Fred Hartley shares how Christ’s wounds on the cross represent the fullness of His atonement and how, individually, each wound corresponds to a distinct healing for us. Using straightforward scientific explanations, real-life stories and biblical truths, Hartley teaches that no matter the depth of our wounds, the wounds of Jesus go deeper and His wounds are for our healing. Fred Hartley is lead pastor of a dynamically unique congregation in Northeast Atlanta, where he began ministry in 1988. Lilburn Alliance Church now has members who were born in sixty-two different nations of the world. He is also the founder and president of the College of Prayer with over 2,200 campuses and over a million students around the world. Fred Hartley has published twenty-two books, including his most recent titles Church on Fire, God on Fire and Prayer on Fire.

  • Title: The Seven Wounds of Christ : Where Skeptics, Cynics and Seekers Find Unexpected Healing (audio)
  • Author: Fred A. Hartley
  • Publisher: CLC Publications
  • Print Publication Date: 2022
  • Logos Release Date: 2022
  • Era: era:modern
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Audio
  • Subjects: Religion › Christian Living--Spiritual Growth; Religion › Christian Living--General; Body, Mind & Spirit › Healing--General
  • ISBNs: 9781646894956, 1646894952
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781646894956
  • Resource Type: Media
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-12-08T18:08:36Z

Fred A. Hartley III is lead pastor of Lilburn Alliance Church where he has served since 1988 and Christian leader in Metro Atlanta. In addition to pastoring an influential congregation, Fred is president of the College of Prayer, which now has campuses on five continents. He speaks at colleges, universities, conferences, and Promise Keeper’s Men’s events throughout our country and around the world. He has written 15 books including the best-seller Dare to Be Different, Lord, Teach Us to Pray and Parenting at Its Best.


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