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Adult Bible Studies Winter 2022-2023 Teacher/Commentary Kit

ISBN: 9781791020477


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A comprehensive Bible study plan and spiritual practices to deepen your relationship with God

Hundreds of thousands of people each week have transformative encounters with God through Adult Bible Studies—Bible-based, Christ-focused Sunday school lessons and midweek Bible studies endorsed by the Curriculum Resources Committee of The United Methodist Church.

The Kit includes a Teacher Book and a Concise Commentary that are both supplementary and complementary to the Adult Bible Studies student book

The Teacher Book provides small-group leaders, teachers, and facilitators with additional biblical background and exposition and suggestions for guiding group discussion. Printed with a larger font for ease of reading. Included to help leaders prepare and lead each week:
As A comprehensive Bible study plan with more flexibility in terms of Scripture selection and topics.
Additional information, as well as suggestions, designed to help leaders and facilitators lead with confidence.
Observation of the church seasons, including Advent and Lent.
Suggestions for developing spiritual practices (prayer, confession, worship, mindfulness, solitude, community, hospitality, neighboring, service, and celebration).
One font size in the student edition to accommodate all readers.
No printed Scripture text allowing you to choose your own Bible translation.

The Concise Commentary provides biblical commentary for the focal Bible passages used in Adult Bible Studies. Based on the Abingdon Basic Bible Commentary. Printed with a larger font for ease of reading. Included each week are:
The focal Bible passages for each Sunday.
The unit introductions.
Commentary on the focal Bible passages.
A pronunciation guide for Bible names and places.

Additional information about Adult Bible Studies, Winter 2022-2023
Theme: Power and Love
This winter, our Bible lessons follow the theme “Power and Love.” The lessons first challenge us to try to understand Scripture, particularly the Nativity accounts, from the position of vulnerability and powerlessness. They then move to a closer look at what it means to belong to the family of God and culminate in a series of lessons on love and how it informs and changes our relationships. The writer of the teacher book is Taylor Mills.

Unit 1
Power and Vulnerability
God’s incarnation was into a poor family from a village of no consequence, vulnerable to the whims and machinations of the mighty Roman Empire. While some people reading this Bible study can relate to the poverty and obscurity, most will read it as citizens of a great world power. Some people know from experience that power can be abused even against a government’s own citizens, but others have known only the protection and benefits of that power. These lessons invite us to read the Nativity stories from the vantage point of the victims of empire.
Scriptures: Judges 9:1-15; Matthew 1:1-25; Matthew 2:1-12; Matthew 2:13-15
Spiritual Practice: Acts of Mercy

Unit 2
Power and Belonging
The lessons in this unit follow the trajectory of biblical imagery for faith development from adoption through baptism and infancy in faith, into youthful excitement and exuberance, and then to a mature faith that struggles, challenges, and questions.
Scriptures: Galatians 3:23—4:7; Luke 15:11-32; John 17:1-24 and Ephesians 4:14; Colossians 3:12-17; Matthew 22:1-14
Spiritual Practice: Rule of Life

Unit 3
The Power of Love
One of the distinct traits of biblical theology is the emphasis on God’s hesed (“lovingkindness”) and Jesus’ selfless love. In the
early twentieth century, a great deal of ink was spilled trying to distinguish agápe love by which we become channels of God’s
love from philía, friendship in which reciprocity is important, and éros, a passionate sort of love. Recent scholarship finds that Greek and biblical thought blurs the lines of agápe and philía and finds a greater emphasis on relationships. While we should enact our love without thoughts of personal gain, the ultimate goal of loving our enemies is becoming their friend.
Scriptures: 1 John 4:7-21 and Ruth 4; 1 Kings 3:16-28; 1 Samuel 18:1-4, 19:1-7, 20; Matthew 16:21-28
Spiritual Practice: Spiritual Friendship

Other Adult Bible Study components, sold separately, include:
Student Book
Each week’s Student Book lesson lists background Scripture, features key verses, provides reliable and relevant biblical explanation and application, and more in a readable font size that is accessible to everyone. Included to help students go deeper into the lessons are :
A comprehensive Bible study plan with more flexibility in terms of Scripture selection and topics.
Observation of the church seasons, including Advent and Lent.
Suggestions for developing spiritual practices (prayer, confession, worship, mindfulness, solitude, community, hospitality, neighboring, service, and celebration).
No printed Scripture text allowing you to choose your own Bible translation.

Does your group enjoy watching videos as a way to generate conversation around Bible studies? Would your teacher or group facilitator appreciate having the support of video hosts in setting the stage for Bible lessons? Then the Adult Bible Studies is just what you need. Each DVD, directly corresponding to the content in Adult Bible Studies, features 13 5-minute video segments. On each, one of our three hosts will provide some context for the lesson and then tie that content to personal stories and daily living. Your group can then connect more deeply with the material, draw closer to God, and discover ways to live out biblical teachings.

Visit AdultBibleStudies.com and sign up for the weekly newsletter to automatically receive the FREE Current Events Supplement and other information about these resources and more!

  • Title: Adult Bible Studies Winter 2022-2023 Teacher/Commentary Kit
  • Author: Taylor W. Mills
  • Publisher: Abingdon Press
  • Print Publication Date: 2022
  • Logos Release Date: 2022
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9781791020477, 179102047X
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781791020477
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2023-06-16T22:23:54Z


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