“If God can do anything through our church, he can do great things through yours.” What God has done through New Life Church in Chantilly, Virginia, 20 years after Brett and Laura Andrews planted the church, has far exceed their dreams. In this book, Andrews candidly shares the story of this unimaginable impact, along with the struggles, tensions, frustrations, mistakes, worries, and complaints. His team is not claiming competence in these areas, but believes that “how we live out these issues will determine what kind of church we will be in the future.” When New Life committed to being a Matthew 25, talents-risking, church-planting church, God multiplied the church’s impact—they have come alongside thousands of church planters. The New Life story offers huge and poignant reminders to church planters that even though we can’t see God working in our lives and ministry, he is indeed “working upstream.”