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Galatians (The New American Commentary | NAC)

, 1994
ISBN: 9781087796895

Digital Logos Edition

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Since a commentary is a fundamental tool for the expositor or teacher who seeks to interpret and apply Scripture in the church or classroom, the NAC focuses on communicating the theological structure and content of each biblical book. The writers seek to illuminate both the historical meaning and contemporary significance of Holy Scripture.

In its attempt to make a unique contribution to the Christian community, the NAC focuses on two concerns. First, the commentary emphasizes how each section of a book fits together so that the reader becomes aware of the theological unity of each book and of Scripture as a whole. The writers, however, remain aware of the Bible’s inherently rich variety. Second, the NAC is produced with the conviction that the Bible primarily belongs to the church. We believe that scholarship and the academy provide an indispensable foundation for biblical understanding and the service of Christ, but the editors and authors of this series have attempted to communicate the findings of their research in a manner that will build up the whole body of Christ. Thus, the commentary concentrates on theological exegesis, while providing practical, applicable exposition.

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Top Highlights

“In Gal 6:1, then, ‘those who are spiritual’ are identical with those Christians who walk in the Spirit, are led by the Spirit, and keep in step with the Spirit.” (Page 410)

“To be crucified with Christ is the same as being dead to the law. This means that we are freed from all the curse and guilt of the law and, by this very deliverance, are set free truly to ‘live for God.’” (Page 200)

“Elsewhere Paul used the expression ‘to die to’ not only with reference to the law but also in relation to the self, sin, and the world.192 In each of these cases Paul meant that his relationship to these entities—self, sin, world, law—had been so decisively altered by his union with Christ that they no longer control, dominate, or define his existence.” (Page 199)

“Those who are spiritually minded, that is, those whose lives give evidence of the fruit of the Spirit, have a special responsibility to take the initiative in seeking restoration and reconciliation with those who have been caught in such an error.” (Page 410)

“Crucifixion of the flesh is described here not as something done to us but rather something done by us. Believers themselves are the agents of this crucifixion. Paul was here describing the process of mortification, the daily putting to death of the flesh through the disciplines of prayer, fasting, repentance, and self-control.” (Page 405)

Timothy George is dean of Beeson Divinity School at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, and an executive editor of Christianity Today. George has written and edited more than 20 books including The New American Commentary: Galatians.


3 ratings

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  1. Ralph A. Abernethy III
  2. Kyle Griffin

    Kyle Griffin


  3. Tom Beetham

    Tom Beetham


    This commentary is excellent for preachers. Though not light-weight in theology or theory, it is yet very accessible and clear, full of wisdom and pastoral insights for preaching. Very useful!
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