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Deuteronomy (Mentor Expository Commentary)

, 2022
ISBN: 9781527106390

Digital Logos Edition

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The book of Deuteronomy finds the Israelites on the cusp of entering the land that had been promised to them since the days of Abraham. This second giving of the law is to be the bedrock of the society they build—to be people identified as the people of Yahweh. Douglas F. Kelly helpfully exposits this book considering not only its importance to the original hearers, but also the impact it has for the church today. The Mentor Expository Series holds to an inerrant view of Scripture. The series is thoroughly researched with helpful practical application. This is a resource for pastors and Bible teachers who want to draw on Christ–centered expository teaching and for the lay reader who wants to delve more deeply into the riches of the Word of God.

  • Provides Christ-centered expositions to assist teachers and pastors
  • Focuses on the structure and major themes of the text
  • Relates the message of the text to other parts of Scripture
Deuteronomy is one of the lesser–known books of the Bible to the church, and so Dr. Kelly’s exposition is a welcome contribution. Dr. Kelly drills down into the word of God to tap into the well of biblical truth. His exposition flows with the living water of the gospel that equips for every good work—he points the church to Christ so we can seek the grace of God for salvation and godly living.

—J. V. Fesko, Harriet Barbour Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

Dr. Kelly’s exceptional preaching skills and insightful application make this a page turner. The importance of Deuteronomy, both in Moses’ time and later in the reforms of King Josiah make it uniquely important for our time. Dr. Kelly will inspire a host of preachers to take up Deuteronomy and preach it. If God spares, I will be among them.

—Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Anyone who says that Deuteronomy is not practical for real life evidently never heard Douglas Kelly preach it. Here, faithfully proclaimed, is the book of the Bible to which Christ turned three times in a row when tempted by the devil, applied to our homes and hearts. Highly recommended!

—Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

  • Title: Deuteronomy (Mentor Expository Commentary | MEC)
  • Author: Douglas F. Kelly
  • Series: Mentor Expository Commentary
  • Publisher: Mentor
  • Print Publication Date: 2022
  • Logos Release Date: 2022
  • Pages: 487
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. Deuteronomy › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9781527106390, 152710639X
  • Resource ID: LLS:MTREXCOM05DE
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-30T01:40:05Z

Dr. Kelly received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Diploma from the University of Lyon, his B.D. from the Union Theological Seminary, and his Ph. D. from the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of many written works including, If God Already Knows, Why Pray?, Preachers with Power: Four Stalwarts of the South, New Life in the Wasteland, Creation and Change, and The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World. His firm grasp of multiple languages and his theological competence are capably demonstrated in translating such works as Sermons by John Calvin on II Samuel. He is serving with David Wright of the University of Edinburgh as a general editor for a revision of Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. Before joining the faculty at RTS, Dr. Kelly travelled extensively throughout the world preaching and teaching. He was also enlisted to serve on the Jurisprudence project of The Christian Legal Society and serves on the Credentials Committee of the Central Carolina Presbytery.


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