Digital Logos Edition
Does church membership mean more than simply joining a social group? Does the church have a responsibility to discipline its members—and if so, what does that look like? Recognizing the many puzzling questions about the critical role of the church in the life of believers, Jeremy Kimble addresses forty key points. Each section considers questions of theology, ministry, and practicality, such as: • Is there a New Testament precedent for membership? • How does membership relate to baptism and communion? • Who should become a member? • How is discipline related to discipleship? • Should a believer associate with someone under church discipline? Like the other volumes in the 40 Questions & Answers Series, this book raises—and clearly answers—the most common and difficult questions that church leaders and members have. With succinct chapters, this is an eminently practical resource for any church leader, elder board, or new member seeking a foundational understanding of how the church should function.
“This book is intended to assist Christians, pastors, and churches to rightly understand and apply biblical truth regarding church membership and church discipline. My thinking in these areas has been largely shaped by two professors I was blessed to learn from in my seminary days, John Hammett and Gregg Allison.” (Page 9)
“Second, the covenant commitment of the local church makes the invisible new covenant visible” (Page 17)
“These ordinances of the church are significant in that they are what make the church visible” (Page 63)
“As such, while ecclesiology may not be the doctrine that holds highest importance, it is a necessary area of study due to its close connection to other crucial doctrines (e.g., God and salvation).” (Page 17)
“Local church membership shapes Christian discipleship in that the members of a church oversee one another’s discipleship” (Page 75)