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Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2

Digital Logos Edition

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Volume II is Ellen White' s autobiography to the year 1860.

Top Highlights

“The power of Satan now to tempt and deceive is ten-fold greater than it was in the days of the apostles. His power has increased, and it will increase, until it is taken away. His wrath and hate grow stronger as his time to work draws near its close.” (Page 277)

“At the conference a very solemn vision was given me. I saw that some of those present would be food for worms, some subjects for the seven last plagues, and some would be translated to heaven at the second coming of Christ, without seeing death.” (Page 208)

“ poured on us the Holy Spirit, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God as Moses’ did” (Page 32)

“It was designed to arouse the people of God, to discover to them their backslidings, and lead to zealous repentance, that they might be favored with the presence of Jesus, and be fitted for the loud cry of the third angel.” (Page 224)

“Do not leave your closet until you feel strong in God; then watch, and just as long as you watch and pray, you can keep these evil besetments under, and the grace of God can, and will, appear in you.” (Page 257)

  • Title: Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2
  • Publisher: Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association
  • Print Publication Date: 1858
  • Logos Release Date: 2002
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Ellen White › Writings--Books
  • Resource ID: LLS:900.1.1930
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-11T16:52:25Z


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