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Mobile Ed: OT310 Book Study: Numbers (11 hour course)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $605.00
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In Book Study: Numbers Dr. Dale Brueggemann examines the history of Israel’s wilderness wanderings from Egypt to the Promised Land, as recounted in the book of Numbers. He covers iconic events such as the spies’ report of Canaan, Moses’ striking the rock, Balaam’s blessing Israel, and the bronze serpent in detail and also reflects on the major theological themes behind such events—themes such as rebellion and sin, intercession, divine mercy, covenant promises, and purification/expiation. You will come away from the course with a better understanding of, not only the content book of the book, but also its lasting message for New Covenant believers today.

Resource Experts

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Describe the literary features and major themes found in the book of Numbers
  • Discuss the issue of big numbers in the book of Numbers and provide possible explanations
  • Trace the basic route that Israel journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land
  • Compare and contrast the first and second generations as well as the two censuses found in the book
  • Articulate the reason for many of the cultic laws prescribed by Moses in the wilderness
  • Explain the unique role of the Levites and priests with regard to the tabernacle, Israel’s camp, traveling, and tribal allotments
  • Summarize the major events in Israel’s wilderness wanderings and provide theological reflections on them
  • Discuss how to read the book of Numbers through Christological fulfillment

Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speaker and Course

Unit 1: Introducing Numbers

  • Author, Date, and Audience
  • Literary Features
  • Themes
  • Big Numbers in Numbers
  • Big Numbers: Rhetorical Solutions
  • Big Numbers: Editorial Mistakes as a Solution
  • The Big Picture

Unit 2: At Sinai (Numbers 1:1–10:10)

  • Military Headcount (Num 1)
  • Principle of Holiness Reflected in the New Testament
  • Arranging the Camp (Num 2)
  • Appointing the Levites—Part 1 (Num 3:1–10)
  • Appointing the Levites—Part 2 (Num 3:11–51)
  • Mustering the Levites (Num 4:1–49)
  • Ritual and Sinful Impurity (Num 5:1–10)
  • Marital Purity—Part 1 (Num 5:11–31)
  • Marital Purity—Part 2 (Num 5:11–31)
  • Nazirite Vow—Part 1 (Num 6:1–21)
  • Nazirite Vow—Part 2 (Num 6:1–21)
  • Priestly Blessing (Num 6:22–27)
  • Dedicating the Altar (Num 7)
  • Dedicating the Levites (Num 8)
  • The Second Passover (Num 9:1–14)
  • Marching Orders (Num 9:15–10:10)

Unit 3: In the Wilderness—Part 1 (Numbers 10:11–15:41)

  • Departure in Battle Order—Part 1 (Num 10:11–28)
  • Departure in Battle Order—Part 2 (Num 10:29–36)
  • Initial Complaints: The People (Num 11:1–9)
  • Initial Complaints: Moses—Part 1 (Num 11:10–17)
  • Initial Complaints: Moses—Part 2 (Num 11:18–35)
  • Miriam and Aaron’s Complaint (Num 12)
  • Rebellion of the Scouts—Part 1 (Num 13:1–24)
  • Rebellion of the Scouts—Part 2 (Num 13:25–33)
  • Rebellion Over the Spies’ Report—Part 1 (Num 14:1–9)
  • Rebellion Over the Spies’ Report—Part 2 (Num 14:10–19)
  • God’s Judgment on the First Generation—Part 1 (Num 14:20–35)
  • God’s Judgment on the First Generation—Part 2 (Num 14:36–45)
  • Cultic Laws—Part 1 (Num 15:1–21)
  • Cultic Laws—Part 2 (Num 15:22–31)
  • Cultic Laws—Part 3 (Num 15:32–41)

Unit 4: In the Wilderness—Part 2 (Numbers 16–21)

  • Korah’s Rebellion—Part 1 (Num 16:1–14)
  • Korah’s Rebellion—Part 2 (Num 16:15–27)
  • Korah’s Rebellion—Part 3 (Num 16:28–35)
  • Korah’s Rebellion—Part 4 (Num 16:36–50)
  • Budding of Aaron’s Rod (Num 17)
  • Priestly Regulations—Part 1 (Num 18:1–7)
  • Priestly Regulations—Part 2 (Num 18:8–19)
  • Priestly Regulations—Part 3 (Num 18:20–32)
  • Water of Purification—Part 1 (Num 19:1–10)
  • Water of Purification—Part 2 (Num 19:11–22)
  • Leadership Problems—Part 1 (Num 20:1–8)
  • Leadership Problems—Part 2 (Num 20:9–13)
  • Leadership Problems—Part 3 (Num 20:14–21)
  • Leadership Problems—Part 4 (Num 20:22–29)
  • Trouble on the Way to Moab—Part 1 (Num 21:1–6)
  • Trouble on the Way to Moab—Part 2 (Num 21:7–9)
  • Trouble on the Way to Moab—Part 3 (Num 21:10–20)
  • Trouble on the Way to Moab—Part 4 (Num 21:21–35)

Unit 5: On the Plains of Moab (Numbers 22–25)

  • Excursus: Balaam the Curse Expert
  • Balak Sends for Balaam the Curse Expert—Part 1 (Num 22:1–7)
  • Balak Sends for Balaam the Curse Expert—Part 2 (Num 22:8–20)
  • Balaam Goes to Balak—Part 1 (Num 22:21–30)
  • Balaam Goes to Balak—Part 2 (Num 22:31–41)
  • Balaam Blessings Despite Sorcery—Part 1 (Num 23:1–12)
  • Balaam Blessings Despite Sorcery—Part 2 (Num 23:13–26)
  • Balaam’s Blessings Without Sorcery—Part 1 (Num 23:27–24:9)
  • Balaam’s Blessings Without Sorcery—Part 2 (Num 24:10–19)
  • Balaam’s Blessings Without Sorcery—Part 3 (Num 24:20–25)
  • National Apostasy and Divine Punishment—Part 1 (Num 25:1–3)
  • National Apostasy and Divine Punishment—Part 2 (Num 25:4–9)
  • National Apostasy and Divine Punishment—Part 3 (Num 25:10–18)

Unit 6: Census Figures: Before and After (Numbers 26:1–65 versus 1:1–4:49)

  • Second Generation’s Census—Part 1 (Num 26:1–22)
  • Second Generation’s Census—Part 2 (Num 26:23–51)
  • Division of the Land and Counting the Levites (Num 26:52–65)

Unit 7: Land, Offerings, and Vows (Numbers 27–30)

  • Inheritance of Zelophehad’s Daughters—Part 1 (Num 27:1–11)
  • Commissioning Joshua (Num 27:12–23)
  • Regulations for Offerings (Num 28–29)
  • Regulations for Vows (Num 30)

Unit 8: Settling the Transjordan (Numbers 31:1–33:49)

  • Defeating Midian—Part 1 (Num 31:1–18)
  • Defeating Midian—Part 2 (Num 31:19–54)
  • Transjordan Tribes (Num 32)
  • Reprise of the Wilderness Journey—Part 1 (Num 33:1–15)
  • Reprise of the Wilderness Journey—Part 2 (Num 33:16–36)
  • Kadesh to Moab (Num 33:37–49)

Unit 9: Occupying the Land (Numbers 33:50–36:13)

  • Orders for Occupying the Promise Land (Num 33:50–56)
  • Allotment (Num 34)
  • Levitical Holdings (Num 35:1–15)
  • Case Laws about Murder and Accidental Killing (Num 35:16–34)
  • Inheritance of Zeophehad’s Daughters—Part 2 (Num 36)


  • Christological Reading of Numbers

Product Details

  • Title: OT310 Book Study: Numbers
  • Instructor: Dale A. Brueggemann
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 11
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

Getting the most out of Mobile Ed

Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course comes with an Activities resource that functions as a type of “workbook” for the course. This resource includes learning activities such as: places for you to respond to reflection questions, exercises that will challenge and show you how deepen your understanding of this course by using specific Logos tools and resources, tutorial videos on different features of Logos Bible Software, and links to relevant Logos guides and tools. A link to open the Activities resource is conveniently placed at the end of every segment.



2 ratings

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  1. Matt DeVore

    Matt DeVore


  2. Stephen Williams
    The book of Numbers plunges us into the mess of growing up. The pages in this section of the biblical story give us a realistic feel for what is involved in being included in the people of God, which is to say, a human community that honors God, lives out love and justice in daily affairs, learns how to deal with sin in oneself and others, and follows God’s commands into a future of blessing. And all this without illusions. Many of us fondle a romanticized spirituality in our imaginations. The “God’s in his heaven/all’s right with the world” sort of thing. When things don’t go “right” we blame others or ourselves, muddle through as best we can, often with considerable crankiness, and wish that we had been born at a different time—“Bible times” maybe!—when living a holy life was so much easier. That’s odd because the Bible, our primary text for showing us what it means to be a human being created by God and called to a life of obedient faith and sacrificial love, nowhere suggests that life is simple or even “natural.” We need a lot of help. We need organizational help. When people live together in community, jobs have to be assigned, leaders appointed, inventories kept. Counting and list-making and rosters are as much a part of being a community of God as prayer and instruction and justice. Accurate arithmetic is an aspect of becoming a people of God. And we need relational help. The people who find themselves called and led and commanded by God find themselves in the company of men and women who sin a lot—quarrel, bicker, grumble, rebel, fornicate, steal—you name it, we do it. We need help in getting along with each other. Wise discipline is required in becoming a people of God. It follows that counting and quarreling take up considerable space in the book of Numbers. Because they also continue to be unavoidable aspects of our becoming the people of God, this book is essential in training our imaginations to take in some of these less-than-romantic details by which we are formed into the people of God. Peterson, E. H. (2005). The Message: the Bible in contemporary language (Nu). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.


Collection value: $605.00
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