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Mobile Ed: OT315 Book Study: Joshua (12 hour course)

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Explore the book of Joshua with Dr. L. Daniel Hawk. As Dr. Hawk surveys the book, he highlights the artistry of the narrative in the telling of the story of Israel’s conquest of Canaan. You’ll explore the characters and themes of the book and gain an appreciation for biblical narrative in general. As you study the history described in Joshua, you will discover how it speaks the truth about God and what we can learn from it about who we are as God’s people and how we are to live in the world today.

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Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speaker and Course

Unit 1: Introduction to Joshua

  • Joshua in Canonical Context
  • Joshua in the Pentateuch
  • Framework of the Book

Unit 2: Divergent Perspectives on the Events and Their Meaning

  • How Did Israel Come into Possession of the Land?
  • Was Israel Wholly Obedient to the Lord?

Unit 3: Composition

  • Marks of Editing
  • Multiple Endings
  • Duplications and Variations
  • Allusions to Deuteronomy
  • The Deuteronomistic History
  • Double Redaction
  • Multiple Redactions
  • Recent Developments and Summary

Unit 4: Joshua as Historiography

  • Narrating the Past: History and Identity
  • Narrating the Past: Testimony and Confession
  • The Historical Setting of Joshua
  • Historical Models
  • Unresolved Issues and What To Do About Them
  • Joshua as Narrative Text

Unit 5: Theological Motifs

  • God and Israel
  • The Land
  • The Peoples of the Land

Unit 6: The Lord’s Speech and the People’s Response (Chapter 1)

  • Extending Deuteronomy
  • The LORD’s Speech
  • Joshua and Israel’s Response

Unit 7: Introduction to the Conquest Narrative (Chapters 2–12)

  • Conquest Narrative: Structure
  • Common Plots: Rahab and the Gibeonites
  • Common Plots: The Battles at Jericho and Gibeon
  • Achan: The Common Plot Reversed
  • Common Plots: Canaan up Close
  • Opposing Kings

Unit 8: The Rahab Story (Chapter 2)

  • Background to the Rahab Story
  • Allusions to the Sodom Story
  • Sexuality and Impropriety
  • Opposing Characterization of Rahab and the Spies
  • Rahab’s Godly Speech
  • The Spies’ Response
  • Reversed Perspectives and Rahab’s Passover

Unit 9: The Jordan Crossing (Chapters 3–4)

  • The Symbolic Ambiance of the Jordan/Jericho Narrative
  • Jordan Crossing: Narrative Sequence
  • The Confusing Configuration of the Crossing Narrative
  • Allusions to Sinai and the Wilderness
  • Israelite Leaders in Alignment: Leaders, Priests, Prophets
  • Three Interpretations of the Crossing

Unit 10: Events at Gilgal (Chapter 5)

  • Gilgal: Narrative Sequence
  • Report about the Kings
  • A New Israel in a New Land
  • Joshua’s Encounter with the Commander

Unit 11: A Second Ritual Procession (Chapter 6)

  • Repetitions of the Jordan Crossing in the Jericho March
  • Worship and Warfare
  • The Herem

Unit 12: Achan’s Sacrilege (Chapter 7)

  • Background to the Achan Story
  • Achan’s Sacrilege
  • Israel’s Defeat
  • Joshua’s Intercession
  • The Divine Rebuke
  • Exposing Hidden Canaan
  • Allusions to Deuteronomy 13 and the Threat of Apostasy

Unit 13: The Battle at Ai (Chapter 8)

  • The Battle at Ai: Narrative Sequence
  • Marks of a Fresh Start
  • Ai and Its King Defeated

Unit 14: The Ceremony at Mounts Ebal and Gerizim (Joshua 8:30–35)

  • The Enclosure Discovered in 1985
  • Reaffirmation of Obedience to the Mosaic Law
  • A Diverse Community United by the Covenant

Unit 15: The Gibeonite Ruse (Chapter 9)

  • Background to the Gibeonite Ruse
  • Opposing Responses to Israel’s Victories
  • The Gibeonite Strategy
  • Honoring the Oath, Subjugating the Gibeonites
  • Canaanites and Israelites: Dissolving the Difference

Unit 16: The Battle at Gibeon (Chapter 10)

  • Background to the Battle at Gibeon
  • The Sun Stood Still
  • The Five Kings: Threatening Powers Subdued

Unit 17: The Southern Conquests and Hazor (Chapter 10:28–Chapter 12)

  • Summary of Southern Conquests
  • Hazor: Background
  • Battle at the Waters of Merom
  • Summaries of Conquest
  • Israel’s Victories

Unit 18: General Allotment (Chapter 13)

  • Background to the Allotment Account
  • Overview of Allotment Account
  • The Land Remaining
  • Allotments in the Transjordan

Unit 19: The Judah and Joseph Allotment (Chapters 14–17)

  • Judah and Joseph: Overview
  • Judah and Joseph: Contrasting Territorial Descriptions
  • Judah: Caleb
  • Judah: Judah’s Boundaries and Towns
  • Joseph: Joseph’s Boundaries
  • Joseph: Ephraim
  • Joseph: Manasseh
  • Joseph: Zelophehad’s Daughters
  • Joseph: Joseph’s Request

Unit 20: The Second Phase of the Allotment and Cities of Refuge (Chapters 18–21)

  • Allotment at Shiloh
  • Remaining Allotments
  • Cities of Refuge
  • Levitical Cities
  • The Promise Fulfilled

Unit 21: The Conclusion of Joshua: The Altar at the Jordan (Chapter 22)

  • Conclusions: Overview
  • Dismissal of the Eastern Tribes and Declaration of Success
  • The Altar at the Jordan: Accusation and the Threat of War
  • The Altar at the Jordan: A Defense and Questions of Identity
  • The Altar at the Jordan: Resolution

Unit 22: The Conclusion of Joshua: Joshua’s Farewell and Covenant Renewal at Shechem (Chapters 23–24)

  • Joshua’s Farewell: Background
  • Joshua’s Speech
  • Covenant Renewal at Shechem
  • The LORD Tells Israel’s Story
  • Joshua’s Challenge
  • The Nation Chooses
  • The Stone Witness
  • Burial Reports

Unit 23: Appendix: The Canaanite Genocide

  • The Theological Challenge
  • Approaches and Responses: Allegory, Theological Principles, and Judgment
  • Approaches and Responses: Developmental Approaches
  • Approaches and Responses: Contextual Approaches
  • Approaches and Responses: Ethical Critique
  • Joshua as a Revelatory Narrative


  • Conclusion to the Course

Product Details

  • Title: OT315 Book Study: Joshua
  • Instructor: L. Daniel Hawk
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 12
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
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About the Instructor

Dr. L. Daniel Hawk (PhD, Emory University; MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary) is professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Ashland Theological Seminary and an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. Much of his writing focuses on the literary analysis of biblical narratives, with attention to the ways that narrative texts construct corporate identities and grapple with the problem of human and divine violence. These concerns converge in several books on the book of Joshua, including Joshua (Berit Olam, Liturgical Press, 2000) and Joshua in 3-D (Cascade, 2010), as well as in his collaboration on Postcolonial Evangelical Conversations (InterVarsity, 2014). His scholarship finds traction through an active speaking schedule and participation in justice and reconciliation initiatives.


Getting the most out of Mobile Ed


Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.

This course was produced with screencast videos. These videos provide tutorials showing you how to use Logos Bible Software in ways that are tied directly into the content of the course. We are now producing Activities resources as a replacement for screencast videos. We plan on updating this course to include this additional Activities resource in the future for no extra charge.



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    Collection value: $640.00
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    Starting at $38.13/mo at checkout