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Biblical Studies: The Sermon on the Mount

Digital Logos Edition

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In this collection, Sam Storms draws upon 38 years of experience as a professor, a pastor, and an author to provide accessible and insightful commentaries, as well as general Bible reading tips. For every book of the Bible covered here, he includes detailed introductions, personal commentaries, and suggestions for further reading; for Psalms, Corinthians, and Revelations, he also includes guides for daily devotions and meditations. Through this series of hundreds of articles, Storms helps readers get more out of the Bible by giving interpretive clues and discussing controversial issues such as divorce and remarriage, infant deaths, the power of demons, and more. Sermon on the Mount contains an introduction to and commentary on the book of Matthew, focusing specifically on the teachings of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount.

Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“The beatitudes reveal how contrary the values and perspective of the church and the world really are” (source)

“The really good news is that the beatitudes not only describe what you and I should be, they describe what we can be” (source)

“What Jesus is saying is this: Do not retaliate against those who have maliciously opposed you” (Matthew 5:39a)

“I agree with Carson who says that ‘the Sermon on the Mount does indeed drive men and women to a sober recognition of their sin and a realistic understanding of their need for grace. But the Sermon does more than that. It portrays the pattern of conduct under kingdom authority, a pattern that demands conformity now, even if perfection will not be achieved until the kingdom’s consummation’ (154).” (source)

“Living out the beatitudes (and the entire Sermon) can never be divorced from a right relationship to Jesus himself” (source)

  • Title: The Sermon on the Mount
  • Author: Sam Storms
  • Series: Biblical Studies
  • Publisher: Sam Storms
  • Print Publication Date: 2016
  • Logos Release Date: 2016
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. Matthew › Commentaries
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-11T17:15:53Z
Sam Storms

Sam Storms, earned a ThM in historical theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and a PhD in intellectual history from the University of Texas at Dallas. He is the founder of Enjoying God Ministries, senior pastor of Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and a former visiting professor of theology at Wheaton College. He has authored over two dozen books and served as president of the Evangelical Theological Society.


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