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Mobile Ed: OT308 Book Study: Leviticus (12 hour course - audio)

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In this course, Book Study: Leviticus (OT308), Dr. Jay Sklar walks you through the challenging details of the book of Leviticus. In this section of Scripture that often feels detached and foreign to the Christian life, Dr. Sklar will act as a helpful guide as you tackle this book. Focusing on the offerings, the laws, and the more perplexing areas of Leviticus, this study helps you understand the implications of the text for Israel and for Christians today.

This is the audio only version of OT308 Book Study: Leviticus. To purchase the full course, click here.

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Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion you should be able to:

  • Recognize the difficulty and the importance of the book of Leviticus
  • Describe the vision of the book of Leviticus
  • Outline the theological themes of the book of Leviticus
  • Discuss special issues pertaining to the interpretation and understanding of the book of Leviticus
  • Summarize the details and lessons for the Israelites and for us from the various offerings and laws in the book of Leviticus
  • Identify the role and function of the tent of meeting and the priests in the book of Leviticus
  • Apply lessons from the book of Leviticus to your own life

Course Outline


  • Introducing the Speaker and the Course

Unit 1: Introducing Leviticus

  • The Difficulty and Importance of Leviticus: Part 1
  • The Difficulty and Importance of Leviticus: Part 2
  • The Location of Leviticus
  • The Vision of Leviticus

Unit 2: The Theological Themes of Leviticus

  • An Overarching Picture
  • Using the Overarching Picture of Leviticus to Read the Book Well
  • The Holy King of Power, Purity, and Love: Part 1
  • The Holy King of Power, Purity, and Love: Part 2
  • The Redeeming God
  • The Covenant King’s Holy Law
  • Sin
  • The Categories of Sin in Leviticus
  • Ritual States: Part 1
  • Ritual States: Part 2
  • Atonement: Part 1
  • Atonement: Part 2

Unit 3: Special Issues in Leviticus

  • Accommodation
  • The Relevancy and Application of the Laws in Leviticus: Part 1
  • The Relevancy and Application of the Laws in Leviticus: Part 2
  • Objections to the Relevancy of Old Testament Law
  • The Penalties in Leviticus: Part 1
  • The Penalties in Leviticus: Part 2
  • How Do We Read Rituals?
  • Leviticus and the “How Much More” of Jesus
  • Understanding the Big Picture of Leviticus

Unit 4: Properly Worshiping the Lord: The Laws on Offerings 1:1–7:38

  • Introduction to the First Section of Leviticus
  • The Tent of Meeting (1:1)
  • The Laws on Whole Burnt Offerings (1:3–17): Part 1
  • The Laws on Whole Burnt Offerings (1:3–17): Part 2
  • The Laws on Whole Burnt Offerings (1:3–17): Part 3
  • The Laws on Grain Offerings (2:1–16): Part 1
  • The Laws on Grain Offerings (2:1–16): Part 2
  • The Laws on Grain Offerings (2:1–16): Part 3
  • The Laws on Fellowship Offerings (3:1–17): Part 1
  • The Laws on Fellowship Offerings (3:1–17): Part 2
  • The Laws on Fellowship Offerings (3:1–17): Part 3
  • The Laws on Purification Offerings I (4:1–35): Part 1
  • The Laws on Purification Offerings I (4:1–35): Part 2
  • The Laws on Purification Offerings I (4:1–35): Part 3
  • The Laws on Purification Offerings II (5:1–13): Part 1
  • The Laws on Purification Offerings II (5:1–13): Part 2
  • The Laws on Reparation Offerings (5:14–6:7): Part 1
  • The Laws on Reparation Offerings (5:14–6:7): Part 2
  • The Laws on Reparation Offerings (5:14–6:7): Part 3
  • An Overview of the Second Half
  • The Law of Continual Whole Burnt Offering (6:8–13)
  • The Law of the Grain Offering (6:14–18)
  • The Law of the Priest’s Continual Offering (6:19–23)
  • The Law of the Purification Offering (6:24–30)
  • The Law of the Reparation Offering (7:1–7)
  • Portion Distributions Among the Priests (7:8–10)
  • The Law of the Fellowship Offering (7:11–21): Part 1
  • The Law of the Fellowship Offering (7:11–21): Part 2
  • Related Matters (7:20–36)
  • Summary

Unit 5: Public Worship of the Lord 8:1–10:20

  • Making the Priests and Tent of Meeting Holy (8:1–36): Part 1
  • Making the Priests and Tent of Meeting Holy (8:1–36): Part 2
  • Making the Priests and Tent of Meeting Holy (8:1–36): Part 3
  • The Start of Public Worship and the Lord’s Appearance in Glory (9:1–24): Part 1
  • The Start of Public Worship and the Lord’s Appearance in Glory (9:1–24): Part 2
  • The Lord’s Appearance in Judgment, His Warning to Aaron, and Aaron’s Faithfulness (10:1–20): Part 1
  • The Lord’s Appearance in Judgment, His Warning to Aaron, and Aaron’s Faithfulness (10:1–20): Part 2

Unit 6: Dealing with Ritual Impurity: Laws on the Causes and Treatments of Ritual Impurity 11:1–15:33

  • Laws on Pure and Impure Creatures (11:1–47): Part 1
  • Laws on Pure and Impure Creatures (11:1–47): Part 2
  • Laws on Defiling Fluids from Childbirth (12:1–8): Part 1
  • Laws on Defiling Fluids from Childbirth (12:1–8): Part 2
  • Laws on the Ritual Status and Treatment of Various Skin Conditions and Garment or House Infestations (13:1–14:57): Part 1
  • Laws on the Ritual Status and Treatment of Various Skin Conditions and Garment or House Infestations (13:1–14:57): Part 2
  • Further Laws on Ritually Defiling Bodily Fluids (15:1–33): Part 1
  • Further Laws on Ritually Defiling Bodily Fluids (15:1–33): Part 2

Unit 7: The Day of Atonement 16:1–34

  • A Proper Way to Deal With Sin and Impurity (16:1–34): Part 1
  • A Proper Way to Deal With Sin and Impurity (16:1–34): Part 2
  • A Proper Way to Deal With Sin and Impurity (16:1–34): Part 3

Unit 8: Further Instructions on Properly Worshiping the Lord 17:1–16

  • Laws on the Proper Slaughtering, Eating of Animals, and Use of Their Blood (17:1–16): Part 1
  • Laws on the Proper Slaughtering, Eating of Animals, and Use of Their Blood (17:1–16): Part 2
  • Laws on the Proper Slaughtering, Eating of Animals, and Use of Their Blood (17:1–16): Part 3

Unit 9: Living as the Lord’s Holy Nation 18:1–20:27

  • Laws Forbidding Various Sexual and Worship Practices (18:1–30): Part 1
  • Laws Forbidding Various Sexual and Worship Practices (18:1–30): Part 2
  • Laws Forbidding Various Sexual and Worship Practices (18:1–30): Part 3
  • The Lord’s Holy Practices for His Holy People (19:1–37): Part 1
  • The Lord’s Holy Practices for His Holy People (19:1–37): Part 2
  • Laws Forbidding Divination and Various Sexual and Worship Practices (20:1–27): Part 1
  • Laws Forbidding Divination and Various Sexual and Worship Practices (20:1–27): Part 2

Unit 10: Revering the Lord’s Holiness 21:1–24:23

  • Commands for Priests to Revere the Lord’s Holy Things (21:1–24): Part 1
  • Commands for Priests to Revere the Lord’s Holy Things (21:1–24): Part 2
  • The Proper Handling of the Holy Offerings (22:1–16): Part 1
  • The Proper Handling of the Holy Offerings (22:1–16): Part 2
  • The Proper Animals to Sacrifice and the Way to Go About It (22:17–33)
  • Observing the Lord’s Holy Times (23:1–44): Part 1
  • Observing the Lord’s Holy Times (23:1–44): Part 2
  • Two Continual Rites at the Lord’s Holy Place (24:1–9)
  • Revering the Lord’s Holy Name (24:10–23): Part 1
  • Revering the Lord’s Holy Name (24:10–23): Part 2

Unit 11: Living as the Lord’s Holy Nation in Canaan 25:1–27:34

  • Laws on the Sabbath, Jubilee Years, and Redeeming People and Property (25:1–55): Part 1
  • Laws on the Sabbath, Jubilee Years, and Redeeming People and Property (25:1–55): Part 2
  • Laws on the Sabbath, Jubilee Years, and Redeeming People and Property (25:1–55): Part 3
  • Laws on the Sabbath, Jubilee Years, and Redeeming People and Property (25:1–55): Part 4
  • Leviticus 25 and Servitude in Ancient Israel
  • Covenant Blessings and Curses (26:1–46): Part 1
  • Covenant Blessings and Curses (26:1–46): Part 2
  • Further Laws on the Jubilee Year and Redeeming People and Property (27:1–34): Part 1
  • Further Laws on the Jubilee Year and Redeeming People and Property (27:1–34): Part 2
  • Further Laws on the Jubilee Year and Redeeming People and Property (27:1–34): Part 3


  • Concluding the Course

Product Details

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Jay Sklar

Jay Sklar, PhD, is Professor of Old Testament and VP of Academics at Covenant Theological Seminary in Saint Louis. His doctoral research, completed under Professor Gordon Wenham, resulted in the book Sin, Impurity, Sacrifice, Atonement: The Priestly Conceptions. He has published commentaries on Numbers, Jonah, and two on Leviticus, and has a forthcoming commentary on Exodus. He has also put together a website with resources for those wanting to preach and teach any of the books from Genesis to Deuteronomy.

Dr. Sklar has a keen interest in developing theological education overseas and has travelled overseas to teach (in French) in France and Senegal.


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  1. Diane Perez

    Diane Perez


  2. Brayden Brookshier


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