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Bible Commentaries
The New Bible Commentary (NBC)
In recent years there have been many new developments in biblical scholarship, some challenging and some affirming scriptural accounts. This authoritative reference work brings together many of the finest scholars of our day to meet the needs of the church well into the twenty-first century. This re...
—Various Authors
Evangelical Commentary on the Bible
Walter A. Elwell, editor. The purpose of this commentary, is to help the average reader of the Bible understand what the text says. Using the NIV as a basis for its comments, this commentary is a totally new work, not a reprint or a revised edition. Thirty-eight contributors representing some of the finest American evangelical scholars present their articles in clear, easy-to-understand language. Includes outlines and introductions to each book of the Bible and extensive discussions of key biblical doctrines.
—Walter A. Elwell
The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
'The Tony Evans Bible Commentary' includes an introduction to each Bible book followed by passage-by-passage exposition of the entire Bible by Dr Tony Evans. Tony Evans is one of the most influential church leaders of our time and has been studying and preaching the Gospel for over 50 years. He is senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX and founder of The Urban Alternative, a ministry which promotes a kingdom agenda philosophy designed to enable people to live all of life underneath the comprehensive rule of God.
—Tony Evans
The Bible Speaks Today | BST: Old Testament (33 vols.)
The Bible Speaks Today commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Old Testament, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications.
The Bible Speaks Today | BST: New Testament (22 vols.)
If you preach or teach from Scripture, the Bible Speaks Today series will help you apply the timeless biblical message to the everyday experiences of your listeners. And if you study the Bible on your own, these volumes will be a helpful resource focusing on the significance of God's Word for your own life and work.
Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown's Unabridged Commentary on the Old and New Testaments (6 vols.)
Study the unabridged version of this popular Bible study tool. Written by three pastor-scholars in the late nineteenth century, A Commentary, Critical, Experimental, and Practical, on the Old and New Testaments was a favorite resource of C.H. Spurgeon and other evangelical preachers. Each volume begins with introductions to the biblical books, followed by the text of scripture and verse-by-verse commentary. The authors succinctly comment on nuances in the original languages and historical details. They survey varying scholarly opinions without talking over readers’ heads. This collection contains every word of the original 6 volumes, making it the definitive edition of a beloved resource.
Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament (5 vols.)
The Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament is designed to guide readers through the literary context of the Bible, especially the contextual thought flow at each level of a book’s organization. Each book of the New Testament is clearly outlined and structured, and commentary is provided on increasingly more specific segments of the text, from the book to its major divisions to sections to paragraphs to verses. Readers will gain quick access to the literary thought flow of a New Testament book at whatever level they wish to dip in.
—Various Authors
Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament (3 vols.)
The Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament is designed to guide readers through the literary context of the Bible, especially the contextual thought flow at each level of a book’s organization. Each book of the New Testament is clearly outlined and structured, and commentary is provided on increasingly more specific segments of the text, from the book to its major divisions to sections to paragraphs to verses. Readers will gain quick access to the literary thought flow of a New Testament book at whatever level they wish to dip in.
—Douglas Mangum
Study Bibles
4CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible (Notes)
Christianity’s roots run deep with examples of strong faith from spiritual giants extending throughout history. One of the greatest needs today is for Christians to be lifted up from our current cultural moment and be refreshed by the insights and wisdom of ancient believers. Today’s church can be renewed by listening to yesterday’s saints. The CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible features study notes and commentary from the writings of the church fathers of the second through fifth centuries to help you understand and apply their rich, biblical insights to your life today.
—James Stuart Bell
CSB Spurgeon Study Bible Notes
Charles Spurgeon has been called the “Prince of Preachers.” He preached to over 10 million people in his lifetime, and his written sermons have impacted millions more since 1866. The CSB Spurgeon Study Bible features thousands of excerpts from Spurgeon’s sermons, chosen and edited by Alistair Begg in order to bring the richness of the Prince of Preachers’ insights into your daily study of God’s Word. Features include an introductory biography of Charles Spurgeon, study notes crafted from Spurgeon’s sermons, extracted sermon illustrations, sermon notes and outlines in Spurgeon’s own handwriting, “Spurgeon Quotables,” book introductions with book overviews in Spurgeon’s own words, maps, and more. In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you...
—Charles Spurgeon
CSB Study Bible (notes only)
The CSB Study Bible represents the work of more than a hundred scholars who have devoted their lives to living and teaching the truths of Scripture. They come from different denominations and diverse backgrounds. The contributors reflect a broad sampling of evangelical scholars whose ministries are based at seminaries, colleges, and churches. They have sought a balanced approach on controversial issues, and each note and essay has been pored over by a team of theological editors.
—Various Authors
NIV Bible Speaks Today Study Bible Notes
Be equipped to apply the Bible to your life and in today’s world. The Bible Speaks Today Study Bible presents study notes drawn from the bestselling Bible Speaks Today commentary series as well as application questions for personal or group use.
Bible Surveys and Handbooks
2New Testament Introduction, 4th Edition
In this updated edition of his widely acclaimed reference work Donald Guthrie provides background information for each book of the New Testament and examines issues such as authorship and authenticity, literary structure, and cultural setting. These discussions, as well as the notes and bibliography, are enhanced by Guthrie's attention to recent scholarship and current issues in biblical studies.
—Donald Guthrie
The Books of the Old Testament (SPCK Old Testament Introduction)
This second part of David Hinson's three-part Old Testament Introduction explores how the books of the Old Testament came to be written, how they found a place in the Bible and how they reached us in their present form. The author draws on the latest findings of biblical scholars, archaeologists and historians to present the most up-to-date introduction to the Old Testament books possible.
—David F. Hinson
Bible Dictionaries
8The New Bible Dictionary, 3rd ed.
The New Bible Dictionary is a unique work of reference, ideally suited for people of all ages and backgrounds. An “A to Z” of Bible terms, this dictionary was written by an international team of more than 150 scholars, and includes more than 2,000 entries with notes on place-names, studies of words and doctrines, and comprehensive articles on books and people of the Bible.
—Various Authors
Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (2 vols.)
The Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible provides anyone studying the Bible with clear, accurate, and useful articles covering archaeology, history, chronology, social customs, persons, places, religious practices, biblical theology, current scholarly methods and opinions, on each book of the Bible. Among the features in this reference work are select biographies, an extensive system of cross-references, more than thirty general articles treating cultural aspects of Bible times, over 600 photos, maps, and illustrations, and an easy-to-read style that is accessible to pastors and laypeople alike.
—Walter A. Elwell
A Concise Dictionary of Bible Origins & Interpretation
Concise, convenient and comprehensive: this handy dictionary will inform and enlighten all who want to understand how the Bible came together, the history of the various texts behind it, the versions in which it has appeared, the process of editing and compilation, and the different methods of interpretation that have developed over the centuries. Much of this material can be found in larger reference works and commentaries, but most students and lay people find that most of these books are written by scholars for scholars, which means the reader can feel bogged down in too much technical detail. Informed by the latest advances in biblical scholarship, this handy dictionary provides the reader with concise, manageable information on all the key issues and topics. It will be especially helpful to students of religion and related subjects, as well as to religious educators in schools, colleges and churches of all denominations.
—Alec Gilmore
Dictionary of Bible Themes
The Dictionary of Bible Themes contains over 2,000 thematic articles with an explanation of the theme, key Bible references, and cross-references to related themes. Comparable to the venerable Nave’s Topical Bible in scope, the Dictionary of Bible Themes stands apart in its unique, nine-level classification of themes that brings related biblical and theological concepts together.
—Martin Manser
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary
The 'Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary' sets the standard for what a Bible dictionary should be—a vast storehouse of easy-to-find, easy-to-grasp, useful information. Completely revised and expanded, with more user-friendly features than ever, this edition of the 'Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary' is designed both for those who need information quickly and those who want in-depth treatments on hundreds of topics. Additionally, hundreds of color photographs, maps, reconstructions and charts illuminate the text in a way you never thought possible. Once you begin reading, you’ll understand why the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary has become the gold standard in Bible reference publishing!
—Various Authors
Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words
Now, the Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words provides access to insights from Hebrew and Greek even to those who have no knowledge of these languages! This volume has a clearly written explanation for each of the 400 key Bible words—200 Hebrew words from the Old Testament and 200 Greek words from the New Testament. These are the key concepts that repeatedly appear throughout the Scriptures.
—Various Authors
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE), 1915 Edition
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) is an authoritative reference encyclopedia which explains every significant word, subject, place, person, and doctrine in the Bible and Apocrypha! In scope, the ISBE covers literature (apocalyptic, apocryphal, sub-apostolic, etc.), archeology, ethnology, geography, topography, biography, arts and crafts, manners and customs, family life, natural history, agriculture, ritual, laws, sects, music—whatever, in short, may throw light on the meaning and message of the Bible. Over two hundred scholars and teachers contributed to this encyclopedia—including Archibald Alexander, H. C. G. Moule, B. B. Warfield, A. T. Robertson, and more.
—Various Authors
Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook (HCSB Edition)
The Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook is designed with an awareness of the obstacles people have to understanding the Bible. It begins with an essay on "How to Read and Study the Bible" before proceeding to chapters that provide a thorough overview of each of the Bible's 66 books, summarizing each one's content, author, evidences of authenticity, and historical context. In addition to the full-color maps, photographs, reconstructions, and charts that equip readers throughout the volume, a link i...
—B&h Editorial Staff
Theological Dictionaries
5New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity Diversity of Scripture (IVP Reference Collection)
The 'New Dictionary of Biblical Theology' will quickly establish itself as an essential building block of every library of basic biblical reference books. Building on its companion volumes, the 'New Bible Dictionary' and 'New Bible Commentary,' this work takes readers to a higher vantage point where they can view the thematic terrain of the Bible in its canonical wholeness.
—Various Authors
Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology | EDBT (Baker Reference Library)
This major reference volume includes over five hundred articles explaining the theological message and key themes of both Old and New Testaments. It includes articles on abortion, money, altars, pride, promise, the second coming, Jerusalem, and many others. More than 125 of the best evangelical Bible scholars provide insights from the biblical languages. Yet anyone using the volume does not need to know Hebrew or Greek. Bibliographies, indexes, and cross-references make this a useful volume for pastors, students, teachers, and lay people.
—Walter A. Elwell
Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms
The Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms provides a comprehensive glossary of terms from seven major religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism—the main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world.
—Ron Geaves
Lexham Theological Wordbook
Word studies are a great way to improve your knowledge of the Bible. But they can be time consuming, and carelessly executed word studies can lead to entirely wrong conclusions. The Lexham Theological Wordbook offers a unique solution, saving you time while giving you an accurate understanding of key biblical words and concepts.
—Various Authors
New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (Second Edition)
This classic one-volume reference work has been appreciated for decades. It is now substantially expanded and revised to focus on a variety of theological themes, thinkers and movements. From African Christian Theology to Zionism, this volume of historical and systematic theology offers a wealth of information and insight for students, pastors and all thoughtful Christians. Over half of the more than eight hundred articles are new or rewritten with hundreds more thoroughly revised. Fully one-third larger than its predecessor, this volume focusing on systematic and historical theology has added entries and material on theological writers and themes in North America and around the world. Helpful bibliographies have also been updated throughout. Over three hundred contributors form an international team of renowned scholars including Marcella Altaus-Reid, Richard Bauckham, David Bebbington, Kwame Bediako, Todd Billings, Oliver Crisp, Samuel Escobar, John Goldingay, Tremper Longman...
—Various Authors
Maps and Atlases
5Carta’s Illustrated Bible Atlas, with Historical Notes, 2nd ed.
From the Second Millennium B.C. to the First Century A.D., this compact and lavishly illustrated Bible Atlas, with its many maps, illuminates the biblical period and provides the reader with a visual background to the beauty of the Holy Scriptures. Now revised, it will serve another generation in gaining a better image of the Holy Writ.
—F. F. Bruce
Holman Bible Atlas: A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History
The Holman Bible Atlas illuminates the Bible for a whole new generation of students and teachers by introducing them to the physical, cultural, and historical settings of the biblical narrative. Integrating insights from physical and historical geography, archaeology, ancient historical sources, and the Bible itself, the Holman Bible Atlas presents 132 newly designed full color maps complete with specific biblical texts to assist teachers and students alike in understanding. Beginning with the physical geography of the ancient Near East and Palestine, the Holman Bible Atlas illuminates various periods of biblical history by outlining eras from the Patriarchs through the Christian era and Constantine.
—Thomas V. Brisco
Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions
Visualizing biblical people in the places and events that shaped world history just became easier with the Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions! This complete set of Bible charts, maps, and artist’s renderings of biblical cities and artifacts opens the eyes of your understanding in a fresh way and provides a deeper dimension to personal and group Bible study.
—Various Authors
Logos Bible Maps, Volume 2
Contextualize Scripture and better understand its stories. With Logos Bible Maps, Volume 2, you’ll have access to more high quality maps right in the Atlas—a powerful new feature that puts biblical narratives in context. These maps, created by a professional cartographer, offer powerful functionality—including zoom options and panning.
Logos Bible Maps, Volume 3
Contextualize Scripture and better understand its stories. When you purchase Logos Bronze or higher, you unlock the entire Logos maps collection. You’ll have access to high quality maps right in the Atlas—a powerful new feature that puts biblical narratives in context. These maps, created by a professional cartographer, offer powerful functionality—including zoom options and panning.
Media and Interactives
13Before and After: Ancient and Modern Biblical Archaeology Sites
Presents pictures of modern archaeological sites and lets you turn back time by laying over crisp renderings of sites in their ancient glory. As you examine an archaeological image, you can pull the shade over the image to reveal our artist’s reconstruction. See the walls of Jericho, the streets of Corinth, the theaters of Ephesus, and the gates of Jerusalem as biblical characters would have.
Before and After: Biblical Sites, vol. 2
The Before and After tool presents pictures of modern archaeological sites and lets you turn back time by laying over crisp renderings of sites in their ancient glory. As you examine an archaeological image, you can pull the shade over the image to reveal our artist’s reconstruction. See the walls of Jericho, the streets of Corinth, the theaters of Ephesus, and the gates of Jerusalem as biblical characters would have. The second volume includes before-and-after images of Ephesus Odeon, the Altar of Zeus in Pergamum, and the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus.
Canon Comparison
This easy-to-read chart takes the confusion out of the biblical canon’s history. With a click, discover the difference between the canons of the Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, and other traditions. The books of the Bible are color coded according to genre and theme, so you can easily scan the chart for the Gospels, Pauline epistles, prophetic literature, and more. Track which books gained acceptance in the early church with filters for the canon according to Origen, Eusebius, Augustine, and others.
—Various Authors
Biblical People Visual Timelines
Logos Bible Software's Interactive Infographics are textbook illustrations come to life. Biblical People Visual Timelines present an interactive series of events that illustrate the lives of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Paul. These vibrant renderings will take you and your audience on a personal journey through the Bible’s most significant narratives. The infographics link to the biblical text and Factbook events they’re based on, creating an engaging entryway into deeper study.
New Testament Use of the Old Testament Interactive
The New Testament Use of the Old Testament interactive lets you explore how New Testament authors cite, quote, allude to, or echo Old Testament texts. Display both Old Testament and New Testament passages in multiple versions for quick comparison—including the Hebrew or Greek Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. Find the passage you're looking for using faceted search options such as speaker, themes, events, places, or things.
—Various Authors
Reverse Interlinear Explorer
Choose any Scripture passage and learn how to use a reverse interlinear to work backward from a translation to the original language. These helpful slides help you understand how a Bible translation is built. Hover over any part of the presentation to go into more detail and access the wealth of resources your Logos digital library offers. Explore the textual differences across translations and dig deeper into the Word. No matter your background or skill set, Logos Bible Software equips you to tackle complex tasks with ease.
Canon Comparison Vol. 2
This resource contains supplementary information for the Canon Comparison tool. This easy-to-read chart takes the confusion out of the biblical canon’s history. With a click, discover the difference between the canons of the Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, and other traditions. The books of the Bible are color coded according to genre and theme, so you can easily scan the chart for the Gospels, Pauline epistles, prophetic literature, and more. Track which books gained acceptance in the early church with filters for the canon according to Origen, Eusebius, Augustine, and others.
Beitzel Photo Library Media Collection
The Beitzel Photo Library documents locations and archaeological sites surrounding the Holy Land. Each photo is tagged by location and Bible verse for easy searching.
deSilva Teaching Materials, Volume 1
This new media collection includes presentations from distinguished professor and New Testament scholar, Dr. David deSilva. Explore the biblical world as he guides you through places like Sardis, Athens, Colassae, and Hierapolis. Study artifacts from Caesar Augustus’s reign and the Flavian Dynasty. You’ll get presentation slides as well as videos in which deSilva walks you through archaeological sites. This collection offers the perfect opportunity for you to increase your Bible knowledge without taking a class.
deSilva Teaching Materials, Volume 2
This Logos resource includes new videos and accompanying media that have been added to this media collection of presentations from distinguished professor and New Testament scholar, Dr. David A. deSilva. This media collection brings seminary-level teaching to your desktop, guiding you through important locations in the biblical world through informative teaching and illustrative media of significant artifacts, archaeological sites, and more.
Beitzel Photo Library, vol. 2
The Beitzel Photo Library documents more locations and sites. Each photo is tagged by location and Bible verse for easy searching.
deSilva Teaching Materials, Volume 3
Join Dr. David A. deSilva as he continues to dive deeper into the cultural context of the Bible with the deSilva Teaching Materials, Volume 3. This media collection brings seminary-level teaching to your desktop. Distinguished professor and New Testament scholar, Dr. David. A deSilva, guides you through important locations in the biblical world through informative teaching and illustrative media of significant artifacts, archaeological sites, and more.
Archeology, Apologetics, & More
4Doing Archaeology in the Land of the Bible: A Basic Guide
Many people today are familiar with archaeological undertakings in the land of the Bible and the fascinating objects that have been discovered. However, the process of archaeology is generally not well understood. How do excavators know where to dig? How do they identify what they’ve found? John Currid provides many answers in this basic guide to Palestinian archaeology.
—John D. Currid
Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians
How does our faith impact our everyday lives? To what extent should we be involved with the culture? Christians have wrestled with these questions throughout history. Drawing on such sources as Abraham Kuyper, Francis Schaeffer, and C.S. Lewis, Bruce Ashford argues that God wants our whole lives to be shaped by Jesus’ lordship. If Jesus truly is Lord over everything, then our faith is relevant to every dimension of culture.
—Bruce Riley Ashford
40 Days to the Cross: Reflections from Great Thinkers
Immerse yourself in the season of Lent with '40 Days to the Cross.' Reflect on the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ with writings from great thinkers—including early church fathers, medieval writers and influential pastors. This devotional will guide you through a time of confession, reading, and reflection during the 40 days leading to Easter.
—Various Authors
Greek and Hebrew Texts
4Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible (LHI)
“A Hebrew-English interlinear” may be one of the most frequent requests we hear from users. The problem has always been acquiring digital rights to a quality title. Recently we decided the time was right to commission our own interlinear and assembled a team that includes some of the world’s top Hebrew scholars.
—Christo Van der Merwe
Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament: SBL Edition
Following the model of the Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible, the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament will present two levels of interlinear translation. The first is the lexical value, which is a gloss of the lexical or dictionary form of the word. The second is the English literal translation, a contextually sensitive gloss of the inflected form of the word. The difference in these glosses is subtle, but powerful. The first gloss answers the question, “What does this word mean?” The second gloss answers the question, “What does this word mean here?”
—W. Hall Harris III
Lexham Hebrew Bible with Morphology (LHB)
The Lexham Hebrew Bible (LHB) is Logos’ own, in-house Hebrew Bible. Because LHB is the Bible on which we base all of our in-house data projects, it has the best integration with the most Logos databases, including the Bible Knowledgebase (Biblical People, Biblical Places, etc.), the participant referent tagging (which tags things like who/what a pronoun refers to, or who the implied subject of a verb is), the Bible Sense Lexicon, the Hebrew Pronunciation audio clips, and more.
Greek and Hebrew Lexicons
8Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek
Hermann Cremer’s Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek was considered one of the most valuable and indispensable contributions to the study of New Testament exegesis to appear in the late nineteenth-century. Instead of focusing on every word in the New Testament, Cremer only includes words that have theological significance and help aid the reader in their study of the New Testament. Included in each entry is both a Greek meaning as well as any Hebrew word that may add theological significance to his discussion. Cremer’s lexicon is a valuable resource for tracing a Greek word's history from Classical Greek through the Septuagint, and finally into the New Testament. With the Logos edition of the Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek, the user can link to and from Greek and Hebrew texts and other lexicons in your library, as well as perform lightning-fast searches. This enables the reader to quickly jump from the Greek and Hebrew texts to Cremer's...
—Hermann Cremer
Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament
The Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament is a comprehensive analytical lexicon. The "comprehensive" portion provides citations, an index to glosses and sense disambiguation (using Louw-Nida domain and article references) for every word in the Greek New Testament. The "analytical" portion provides listings and counts of every form of every Greek word, parsed and declined, with links back to primary entries. This is a unique resource, sure to be a help to those who like to track down everything related to a word when studying a passage.
—Rick Brannan
A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament (Abbott-Smith)
George Abbot-Smith’s A Manual Lexicon of the New Testament was written to offer an update to older lexicons—those written before the discovery of manuscripts demonstrating that the New Testament was written in koine Greek, rather than a Hebrew variant of classical Greek. It was also written to be a quick reference guide for students of the New Testament to use while reading their Greek text. It adopts the textual standard of Moulton and Geden’s Concordance to the Greek New Testament by following the Westcott & Hort Greek text. This resource links with the language texts in your library for quick and easy cross-references. Scripture references appear on mouseover, and a click shows you the verse in your preferred translation. Add this important language tool to your library to further your study of the Greek New Testament.
—G. Abbott-Smith
Lexham Research Lexicon of the Aramaic Portions of the Hebrew Bible
The Lexham Lexicon of the Aramaic Portions of the Hebrew Bible provides total coverage of the Aramaic vocabulary found in the Old Testament. It is specially designed with full definitions for words rather than merely translation equivalent glosses. Each word’s description is specially tailored to its types, whether content words like verbs and nouns or function words like connectives and prepositions. Proper nouns like people and places receive special attention. Building on decades of research from the creation various original language datasets in Logos Bible Software, the Lexham Lexicon of the Aramaic Portions of the Hebrew Bible makes an excellent starting point for learning about the usage of Aramaic vocabulary in the biblical text.
—Rick Brannan
Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible
The Lexham Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible provides complete coverage of the vocabulary of the Hebrew Bible. It is specially designed with full definitions for words rather than merely translation equivalent glosses. Each word’s description is specially tailored to its types, whether content words like verbs and nouns or function words like connectives and prepositions. Proper nouns like people and places receive special attention. Building on decades of research from the creation various original language datasets in Logos Bible Software, the Lexham Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible makes an excellent starting point for learning about the usage of vocabulary in the Hebrew Bible.
—Rick Brannan
Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible
The Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible is a comprehensive reference tool for studying how each word in the Hebrew Bible is used and where it occurs. This lexicon contains an entry for the lemma (dictionary form) of every Hebrew word occurring in the Lexham Hebrew Bible. Each lemma is classified according to the various senses in which it is used in the Bible. Exhaustive verse references show exactly where the Hebrew lemma is used with a given sense. Further information about each lemma includes English glosses, Hebrew cognate words, corresponding Greek lemmas from the Septuagint, and a table of morphological inflections showing all forms of the Hebrew lemma occurring throughout the Bible. The strength of an analytical lexicon lies in the vast quantity of lexical and semantic data that it collates into concise entries accessible at a glance. In Logos Bible Software, this powerful tool is enriched with hyperlinks to cited verses, Hebrew cognate lemmas with their own entr...
—Isaiah Hoogendyk
Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (BDB)
The Logos version of this standard Old Testament reference is unquestionably the most useful version of BDB ever released.
—Various Authors
Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Septuagint: H.B. Swete Edition
The Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the Septuagint is a new lexicon to aid your study of the Old Testament in Greek. This is a unique resource and the first of its kind in the world of Septuagint studies; it is sure to be a help to those who like to track down everything related to a word when studying a passage.
—Lexham Press
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