Digital Logos Edition
William Varner, Professor of Bible and Greek at the Master’s University, works skillfully through the Greek text of James, using modern linguistic tools and careful grammatical analysis to lay bare the meaning of this early Christian epistle. Each section contains the Greek text, text-critical notes, a discussion of literary context, a sentence flow with English translation, and thorough exegetical comments. Varner’s commentary is useful for students, pastors, and scholars alike.
It is high-quality work and full of exegetical gems. I would highly recommend it to any scholar, student, or pastor who possesses an intermediate understanding of Greek grammar and syntax and desires to gain a better understanding of the book of James or simply wants to improve their understanding of the Greek language. This volume will surely prove to enrich the spiritual lives, sermons, and Bible study skills of its readers.
—Robbie Booth at Books At a Glance
In all, Varner’s commentary is helpful. He takes the approach of engaging all of James and showing how the pieces fit rather than breaking James up as if he had written a collection of 1st Century Christian tweets. He also draws from the well of the Apostolic Fathers to show how James influenced the early church.
—Doug Hibbard at Learning, Teaching, and Laughing
…an excellent resource for any scholar, pastor, student, or any others who may be working through the Greek text of James.
—Timothy Mitchell at The Textual Mechanic