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Raising Disciples: Guiding Your Kids into a Faith of Their Own

, 2024
ISBN: 9781641588652


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Every child—from infancy to adolescence—is being discipled by someone or something. The question is: Are you willing to disciple them for Jesus’ sake?

Accessible and actionable for parents of children birth to 13 years old, Raising Disciples offers a detailed discipleship map and directional markers to nurture your child’s spiritual growth with Christ.

During her more than 25 years in children’s ministry alongside her academic work training up children’s ministry leaders, Dr. Teresa Roberts noticed that parents and even children’s ministry leaders seemed to struggle with knowing how to disciple children past the more-intuitive preschool ages. A foundational family and ministry resource, Raising Disciples reflects the developmental needs that will empower children to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word, develop a vocabulary of faith, engage in spiritual practices, and cultivate a deep, personal relationship with God. Featuring intuitive, quick-reference visual aids, researched expertise, real-life examples from the ministry of Jesus, and relational warmth, Raising Disciples is a must-have resource to give you a discipleship pathway for raising spiritually grounded children in today's complex world.

Includes additional tools:

  • Discipleship map from birth to adolescence
  • Discipleship reference by age level
  • Resource list for continued discipleship and training in biblical interpretation
  • Discussion questions for children’s ministry leaders and volunteers

Learn how to equip your child with tools to navigate life’s challenges and make their Christian faith a personal and lasting commitment.

The deepest desire of every Christian parent is to raise their kids to know and love Christ. This is a tall order, and it is hard. Raising Disciples addresses parents’ core desires and shows them, step-by-step, how to succeed. Dr. Roberts weaves the presence of Christ into a child’s normal development in a way that makes growing a child’s faith in Christ completely natural.

Raising Disciples provides an easy-to-use template for not only raising disciples but also teaching your church how to raise disciples. Teresa has provided a timely and valuable resource for all Christ followers.

Teresa Welch Roberts brings clarity on raising children who love Jesus for every parent, teacher, and grandparent. This book offers biblical guidance and practical nurturing, and it doesn’t disappoint as a valuable resource for those who want to raise children of faith.

Raising Disciples is a treasure trove of wisdom for parents wanting to guide their children in developing a meaningful relationship with Jesus. Dr. Teresa Roberts has outlined principles for kids at each age level that are both practical and deeply rooted in Scripture. Get this book—it’ll help your kids take their next step of faith toward Jesus.

At our gigachurch, we are always looking for ways to maximize ROI. That’s why we prioritize coaching parents in our kids’ ministry. We realize that what Dr. Roberts is advocating for in Raising Disciples is, hands down, the single greatest investment of our church to secure the future for God’s Kingdom. This is a resource you can’t afford to overlook.

Imagine our twelve- and thirteen-year-olds coming of age knowing exactly who they are in Christ, viewing the world through a biblical framework, sorting through questions, and thinking abstractly—all with a trusted faith community beside them. Raising Disciples turns this vision into a reality by offering practical guidance to those doing the most fruitful work of the church—child discipleship.

Parents who are looking for a compassionate and compelling guide to nurturing their children’s faith in Jesus need look no further than Raising Disciples. Dr. Teresa Roberts masterfully provides sound biblical principles and relevant stories that will help kids embrace Christ-centered values. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone seeking to lay a powerful spiritual foundation for their children.

I’ve known Dr. Teresa Roberts since she was a grade-schooler. As the weekend youth pastor, I was often hosted in her home, where I observed her humble and godly parents demonstrating intentional discipleship. Teresa’s insights are forged not only in tremendous research and academic rigor, for which she is immensely qualified, but also in the lab of real life and practicality lived out by her extraordinary mom and dad, just everyday people who love Jesus and passed that on to their kids. You will be blessed, encouraged, inspired, and informed by this tremendous book.

Why is a college president still teaching children’s church after thirty years? I do it because I believe children’s ministry is the most effective strategy under heaven. Most Americans who decide to follow Jesus do so by age thirteen. In these pages, Dr. Teresa Roberts shows how those first thirteen years are also the most effective discipleship opportunity. I know no one better equipped to write about discipling kids than my colleague and friend Teresa, and this book offers wise and clear help to anyone—church leaders, parents, grandparents—who wants to shape children into committed Christ followers. My six kids are grown, but I’ll be recommending this book as they now raise my grandchildren.

  • Title: Raising Disciples: Guiding Your Kids into a Faith of Their Own
  • Author: Teresa Roberts
  • Publisher: NavPress
  • Print Publication Date: 2024
  • Logos Release Date: 2024
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9781641588652, 9781641588638, 1641588632, 1641588659
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781641588652
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-10-29T07:19:07Z


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