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Products>解經講道注釋叢書13:歷代志上、下(繁體)Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching First and Second Chronicles (Traditional Chinese)

解經講道注釋叢書13:歷代志上、下(繁體)Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching First and Second Chronicles (Traditional Chinese)

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本書對《歷代志上》和《歷代志下》進行了當代的學術解讀,這兩部舊約著作常常被忽視,在教會中也很少被傳講或研究。史蒂文-圖爾(Steven Tuell)展示了歷代志是如何通過以色列的歷史揭示神的計劃和旨意的,並強調了大衛王在這個故事中所扮演的重要角色。通過使用最新的學術成果,圖爾將重點放在這些書所傳達的神學信息上--即人生的目的在於尋求上帝,那些找到上帝旨意並按照旨意生活的人將會經歷祝福,而上帝的同在就在平凡生活的事件中。

「解經講道注釋叢書」 (英文譯名:Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching, Westminster John Knox Press 出版) 集合英美當代41位神學教授、聖經解經專家,歷經24年之久所共同創作完成的巨著。該系列全面、深刻、易讀,很適合作為合牧者禮拜講道、教師們解經或帶領查經重要參考。本書覆蓋歷代志上、下。

  • 歷代志上
    • 1~9章 家譜
    • 10~29章 大衛
  • 歷代志下
    • 1~9章 所羅門
    • 10~36章 猶大諸王
  • 書目
  • 進深閱讀
  • 參考書目






對於任何有興趣向廣大受衆解讀聖經的學者或教會領導者來說,「解經講道注釋叢書」 (Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching) 都是無價的資源。它對牧師,教育工作者和教會圖書館至關重要。

—布賴恩·布朗特(Brian K. Blount),聯合神學院院長兼新約教授









  • 書名(Title):解經講道注釋叢書13:歷代志上、下(繁體)Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching First and Second Chronicles (Traditional Chinese)
  • 出版社(Publisher): 台灣教會公報社 Taiwan Church Press
  • 出版日期 (Publication Date): 2015
  • 頁數 (Pages): 332
  • 資源類別 (Resource Type): 註釋書 Commentary
  • 主題 (Topic): 聖經註釋 Bible Commentary


The Rev. Dr. Steven S. Tuell is the associate professor of Old Testement at PTS. After studying at West Virginia Wesleyan College and Princeton Theological Seminary, Tuell earned his doctorate. in Hebrew Bible at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. He taught at Erskine College, S.C. (1989-1992) and Randolph-Macon College, Va. (1992-2005), receiving numerous awards for teaching excellence. Tuell’s particular research interest is the biblical literature of the early Persian period. He has written numerous articles and book reviews, including multiple entries in Feasting on the Word (a commentary on the Common Lectionary published by Westminster-John Knox), and has also been a frequent contributor to the United Methodist Publishing House Adult Bible Studies curriculum and Bible Reader series. Tuell has written a study of Ezekiel 40-48 in the Harvard Semitic Monographs Series, a commentary on 1 and 2 Chronicles in the Interpretation Series, and with John Strong co-edited a Festschrift for S. Dean McBride Jr. His most recent book is a commentary on Ezekiel, published by Hendrickson in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament series in 2008. He is now writing a commentary on Nahum through Malachi. An ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Tuell has served churches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, and Virginia. He is a member in full connection of the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church, and preaches and teaches frequently throughout the area. He and his wife Wendy have three college-age sons.


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