Digital Logos Edition
Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretical-Practical Theology presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing people to live for God through Christ. Students and pastors will find it a valuable model for moving from the text of Scripture to doctrinal formulation that will edify the people of God. Volume 4, Redemption in Christ, examines God’s great work of obtaining redemption in the Mediator, Jesus Christ. Mastricht sets the stage with a discussion about the covenant of grace as God’s eternal purpose of restoration and restitution for the elect of fallen humanity. From that vantage point, he uses the remainder of the volume to address the glorious procurer of this covenantal grace. Mastricht walks us through the dignity, names, person, offices, states, and redemptive accomplishment of Jesus Christ. This volume helps us learn the significance of the One who secured so great a redemption for the people of God.
The ongoing translation of Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretical-Practical Theology is a gift to the church. Mastricht’s work dispels the widely held belief that Reformed scholasticism is a soul-deadening exercise. His practical applications of every doctrine should be a model for contemporary theologians. In volume 4, Mastricht moves to the topic of the person and work of the Mediator Jesus Christ. The bulk of this volume is a gold mine.The translators, editors, and publisher are to be thanked for providing such a rich resource to the church.
—Keith Mathison, professor of systematic theology, Reformation Bible College
Any serious student of Reformed theology needs to sit at the feet of Petrus van Mastricht. The challenge has been that to do so you needed to know Latin or Dutch. Thanks to the herculean efforts of the folks at the Dutch Reformed Translation Society and Reformation Heritage Books, English readers can now learn the art of ‘living for God through Christ.
—Stephen J. Nichols, president of Reformation Bible College and chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries
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Aaron Sauer
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