If God is so good and so powerful, why is there suffering in our world? Why do good people suffer so much? How can we find value and meaning in the midst of the fallenness of the world?
These questions—and many others—call for answers. The responses will determine our worldview and way of life. In the Manual for Suffering, the revealed, time-tested, and holistic answer from the depths of the Catholic faith is presented in all its beauty and power.
This manual will also provide spiritual aids to navigate and bear with hope and trust the suffering we encounter in our fallen world.
The first part lays out the biblical and theological foundations for suffering and the world's fallenness, while the second offers aids for those who suffer, including passages and excerpts from:
The purpose of this manual is to help those who suffer find the meaning, purpose, and value of suffering with and in Jesus Christ. It is intended for personal use and private reflection, and to share with those we love who need a guide and companion as they walk along the via crucis, the path of the Cross.