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Products>Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God (audio)

Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God (audio)

ISBN: 9781545921340




In Embracing Trust, Joanna Weaver, bestselling author of the runaway hit Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, shares personal stories, practical tips, and life-changing principles gleaned from Scripture. If you struggle with disappointment from the past, frustration with the present, or fear of the future, Joanna invites you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Trusting God. It’s such a cliche. Yet nothing means more to our heavenly Father than when we surrender our lives completely to him and choose to believe he has our best in mind. David modeled that kind of deliberate dependence: as a shepherd boy, as a man running for his life, as a king who made grave mistakes. In both triumph and failure, David looked to God rather than to himself. In Embracing Trust, Joanna Weaver, bestselling author of the runaway hit Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, shares personal stories, practical tips, and life-changing principles gleaned from Scripture. If you struggle with disappointment from the past, frustration with the present, or fear of the future, Joanna invites you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Relinquishing control and putting your hope in a forever-faithful Father-that’s the beautiful secret of unshakeable faith.

  • Title: Embracing Trust: The Art of Letting Go and Holding On to a Forever-Faithful God (audio)
  • Author: Joanna Weaver
  • Publisher: christianaudio.com
  • Print Publication Date: 2022
  • Logos Release Date: 2022
  • Era: era:modern
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Audio
  • Subjects: Religion › Christian Living--Spiritual Growth; Religion › Christian Living--Personal Growth; Mary Heart Martha World; Faith in God; Trust in the Lord
  • ISBNs: 9781545921340, 1545921342
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781545921340
  • Resource Type: Media
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-10-02T21:54:38Z


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