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Serving the Word: Preaching in Worship

ISBN: 9780800661984

Digital Logos Edition

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This book invites the reader to see how God’s word can become the crux not only of the sermon but of the worship service as a whole. Over the past half-century, worship scholars have found a substantial ecumenical worship pattern in Luke’s story of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance on the road and at the table in Emmaus. In that word-and-meal structure, the relationship between preaching and worship as distinct aspects of liturgical experience breaks down. The preached word and the liturgical event within which preaching is located become integral to each other. This book invites the reader to explore how—through God’s word—preaching informs and is, in turn, supported by the worship event as a whole.

Resource Experts
  • Title: Serving the Word: Preaching in Worship
  • Author: Melinda A. Quivik
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Print Publication Date: 2009
  • Logos Release Date: 2010
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Lectionary preaching; Liturgical preaching
  • ISBNs: 9780800661984, 0800661982
  • Resource ID: LLS:SERVEWORD
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-30T02:56:57Z

Dr. Melinda Quivik teaches both liturgy and homiletics. She is committed to the integration of the two fields. Her courses include introductions to liturgy and homiletics as well as electives in life passages, baptism and initiation, the purposes of preaching, narrative and imagination, and others. Ordained in 1994, she has served congregations in Montana and in Minnesota. Dr. Quivik is primarily interested in studying the ways meaning is constructed in the assembly through symbol, paradox, law and gospel, and in the assembly’s participation in worship through both word and sacrament. During the development stage of the ELCA worship book, Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Dr. Quivik worked in a number of capacities with the Renewing Worship project: as a member of the preaching consultation on “Principles for Worship,” as a member of development panels for the Holy Communion and Life Passages liturgies, as a presenter of the Renewing Worship materials—proposed hymns and liturgical rites—in several synods, and as an organizer of testing and evaluation of the holy communion settings. She serves on the candidacy committees for the Metro New York Synod and Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, Eastern Panel. At the 2005 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Florida, she preached for one of the daily eucharists. the assembly’s participation in through both and


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