Logos Bible Software
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Power Lookup

Tired of flipping to every biblical cross-reference or footnote? With the Power Lookup tool in Logos, you can see everything your Bible or books link to—without opening a new tab. That means less losing your place, less getting distracted, and more time focusing on what matters most. You can open this powerful feature from the Tools menu or by right-clicking within a resource.

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No More Flipping to Find References and Footnotes

View the biblical text and the footnotes at the same time

With the Power Lookup panel open, you can see the text of your Bible’s cross-references and footnotes in one panel while you read the biblical text in another.

Save time and stay focused

There are few things better than a well-researched book—but it can be hard to stay on task when you have to click through to every linked footnote. When you open the Power Lookup panel, you can see a sidebar showing where every link would take you—without clicking any of them.


Included in

Logos Starter and up

Works best in

Logos Starter and up

Available on


Full functionality