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Products>Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Genesis

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Genesis

, 2010
ISBN: 9781586174330

Digital Logos Edition

The Ignatius Study Bible does not include the Bible texts. The print edition cites the RSVCE, available separately.

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This volume presents the book of Genesis in a highly readable, accurate translation, excellent for personal and group study. Extensive study notes, topical essays, and word studies provide fresh and faithful insights informed by time-tested, authentically Catholic interpretations from the Fathers of the Church and other scholars. Also included are handy reference materials such as a doctrinal index, a concise concordance, a helpful cross-reference system, and various maps and charts.

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Delve more into the works of Scott Hahn with the Scott Hahn Bundle (27 vols.).

Key Features

  • Presents Genesis in a readable, accurate translation
  • Provides extensive study notes
  • Includes authentic Catholic interpretations from the Fathers of the Church

Top Highlights

“The allegorical sense builds up the virtue of faith.” (Page 8)

“The first is the allegorical sense, which unveils the spiritual and prophetic meaning of biblical history. Allegorical interpretations thus reveal how persons, events, and institutions of Scripture can point beyond themselves toward greater mysteries yet to come (OT) or display the fruits of mysteries already revealed (NT).” (Page 8)

“First, we must read Scripture according to its literal sense,” (Page 8)

“Genesis can be divided neatly into two major movements. Chapters 1–11 cover the distant aeons of primeval history, while chapters 12–50 cover the shorter span of patriarchal history.” (Page 14)

“Christ conquered the devil with the same weapons the devil used against us: a virgin, a tree, and death. These tokens of our demise have now become the tokens of our victory. Instead of Eve, there is Mary; instead of the tree of knowledge, there is the wood of the Cross; and instead of Adam’s death, there is the death of Christ (St. John Chrysostom, On the Cemetery and the Cross).” (Page 22)

  • Title: Genesis: With Introduction, Commentary, and Notes
  • Authors: Curtis Mitch, Scott Hahn
  • Series: The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible
  • Publisher: Ignatius
  • Print Publication Date: 2010
  • Logos Release Date: 2013
  • Pages: 93
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. Genesis › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9781586174330, 1586174339
  • Resource Type: Study Bible
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-08-30T23:58:10Z

About Scott Hahn

Scott Hahn is one of the most prominent Catholic authors and theologians of our time. A former Presbyterian minister, Hahn entered the Catholic Church in 1986 and has since become a bestselling author and respected professor of Scripture. He currently teaches at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, a Catholic university in the United States. “My work is about reading the Bible,” writes Hahn on his website, “Reading it with you, and reading it ‘from the heart of the Church’.” Many of his most notable workd can be found in the Scott Hahn Bundle (27 vols.).

About Curtis Mitch

Curtis Mitch is research fellow and trustee of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology in Ohio. A former student of Scott Hahn, Mitch is the general editor for the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, has contributed essays and commentary for the Catholic for a Reason series, and has coauthored The Gospel of Matthew in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series. He lives with his wife, author Stacy Mitch, near Steubenville, Ohio.


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  1. valentinus bayu

    valentinus bayu


  2. Andrew Heckmaster
  3. Chris Fiebelkorn
  4. Faithlife User
  5. Daniel OLIVEIRA

    Daniel OLIVEIRA


  6. Saul Fraga Barreto de Matos Ferreira


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