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Products>The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition: vol. I: 1Q1–4Q273–vol. II: 4Q274–11Q31

The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition: vol. I: 1Q1–4Q273–vol. II: 4Q274–11Q31

Digital Logos Edition

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The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition is a practical reference tool to facilitate access to the Qumran collection of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It contains newly edited Hebrew and Aramaic transcriptions and English translations of the non-biblical scrolls on facing pages, arranged by serial number from Cave 1 to Cave 11.

In addition, it offers a summary of the contents of the biblical scrolls from Qumran. Each Q-number is provided with a heading which contains the essential information on the text and selected bibliographical references. Although unidentified and unclassified fragments have been omitted, and no snippets of manuscripts have been reproduced, this edition aims to be complete for the non-biblical scrolls.

The work is primarily intended for classroom use and for use by specialists from other disciplines who need a reliable compendium to all the materials found. It is also useful as a companion for those studying the original manuscripts using the microfiche or CD-ROM editions of the scrolls.

More information on this and other resources like this can be found in the Product Guide for Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Resource Experts
'A remarkable achievement.'

—Dead Sea Discoveries.

'After what seems like an eternity we can finally replace Lohse on our shelves.'

—Journal for the Study of the Old Testament.

'The authors are to be congratulated for producing a well-conceived and well-executed work that will be of immense practical value to students and scholars alike.'

—The Catholic Biblical Quarterly.

'These volumes are clearly the standard for students, and they will also be extremely helpful for specialists…a welcome addition to the growing number of research tools on the texts from Qumran.'

—Fred W. Burnett, Religious Studies Review, 2001.


19 ratings

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  1. Philip



    The "The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition: vol. I: 1Q1–4Q273–vol. II: 4Q274–11Q31" contains the Dead Sea Scrolls in the original language along with an English translation. There is NO morphological tagging which means you cannot click on a word and see the corresponding entry in DCH with this resource alone. The "Qumran Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls Database" contains only the original language portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Bible, with morphological tagging and glosses for each word. You CAN lookup a word in DCH with a click in this resource. The "Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts" contains only the Secular or extra-biblical Dead Sea Scrolls in the original language with morphological tagging and glosses for each word. There are no English translations here. You CAN lookup a word in DCH with a click in this resource as well. The beauty comes in when you own all three of these, then open parallel windows and link them. Pair the "Qumran Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls Database" with your favorite version of the Bible for a translation. The "Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts" will track with "The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition: vol. I: 1Q1–4Q273–vol. II: 4Q274–11Q31" for an English translation. This is a wonderful tool that I have been praying for since my teen years. Thank you God for using Logos to make this prayer come true!
  2. Young Gun Park
  3. Travis Arnold

    Travis Arnold


    What’s the difference between this and this: https://www.logos.com/product/25702/the-dead-sea-scrolls-study-edition ?
  4. Dr. Anthony Mazak
  5. DB






  7. Marco Ceccarelli
  8. James Brooks

    James Brooks


  9. Dean Poulos

    Dean Poulos


  10. Liber Aguiar

    Liber Aguiar


    Florentino, que tiene libros aquí en ingles, tiene el texto en español. Los hispanos necesitamos también los textos para estudiar, seguimos orando para que podamos tener todas las riquezas que tienen los anglos en esta biblioteca.
