This book is a search for the Jesus of history, the Jesus experienced by his disciples during his public life. Its objective is to discover the authentic words and deeds attributable to Jesus with historical certitude. It accounts for his Jewish religious background and the historical context in which he carried out his mission. Central to this work is Jesus' relationship to his Abba and his personal understanding of his mission. Special attention is devoted to the major events and teaching of Jesus: his baptism, his miracles, his preaching and parables, and his Last Supper. The Jesus of history, the person and his words and deeds, are foundational for the faith of the early church and the written Scriptures that followed his death and resurrection. They are also foundational for contemporary faith.
This book is based on and benefits greatly from the most recent biblical and theological scholarship. It attempts to make manageable a large amount of scholarly literature that can be intimidating to the casual reader. Its aim is also to serve both faith and theological enquiry by providing an effective source for the reader's personal reflection, intellectual curiosity, and a basis for faith.
“This engaging book is both scholarly and personal. It incorporates the most recent scholarship on the Jesus of history and presents it in a way that is readable and understandable, even for beginners. The author’s excitement for the topic is evident throughout, inviting the reader’s own intellectual and spiritual response.”
—Michael J. Dodds, OP, professor of theology, Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
“Father Morris integrates scholarship and comprehensive analysis in this contemporary volume of Christology which provides clarity to the kingdom of God—past, present, and future—confirming our shared humanity with Jesus as revealer and intermediary whose life embodies a sacred universal focus on love. This book is an invitation to readers to know the authentic Jesus of Nazareth creating a concurrent fresh understanding of faith and theology.”
—Kathleen Shannon Dorcy, director of research, scholarship, and ethics, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
“In Jesus: The Person and the Mission, Fr. John Morris beautifully accomplishes his stated goals to (1) simplify the challenges of reading the vast amount of contemporary research on the subject, (2) present challenging questions for the reader, and (3) assist in the development of our own personal understanding of Jesus’ vision for the world. Written for a general audience, Fr. Morris supplies us with an accessible yet scholarly work that is sure to both illuminate as well as inspire.”
—Ed Tywoniak, professor emeritus, Saint Mary’s College of California
“This book—at once highly erudite and yet imminently readable—is the fruit of a lifetime of study, teaching, pastoral ministry, and personal devotion. Father John Morris offers us a rich feast of thoughtful intellectual discourse on the person and mission of Jesus, who has indeed been the center of Father John’s life. I am pleased and honored to have this opportunity to endorse Father John’s fine work.”
—David Gentry, professor of theology, Pontifical Beda College
John R. Morris, OP, Dominican friar of the Western Province, is presently professor of theology at Saint Mary’s College of California. His teaching career has included lectures and seminars on Christology at Saint Albert’s College in Oakland; the doctoral program at the GTU, Berkeley, California; and the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas, Rome. He has also lectured at the School of Applied Theology in Berkeley and the Diaconate Program for the Diocese of Sacramento, California.