Digital Logos Edition
Each chapter in the Matthew Teaching Guide includes teaching options and approaches for leading discussions. The study examines biblical background, historical interpretation, as well as spiritual, ministerial, and theological themes. It also includes relevant lesson plans for children and youth.
Imagine how impoverished our understanding of Jesus Christ and the mission of his church would be without the Gospel of Matthew. Without Mathew, we would lose roughly half of our cherished Christmas stories. Without Matthew, we would miss that towering summary of Jesus’ teachings, the “Sermon on the Mount.” We would not have Jesus’ firm but gentle challenge that we “strive first for God’s kingdom and righteousness,” confident that all the things we most need will be “given to us as well.”
Only in Matthew does Jesus spell out guidelines for reconciliation among members of the church and promise as “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” It is in Matthew’s Gospel that Jesus tells us that “whatever we do to the least of these” we do also to him. Only in Matthew do we have a fully formed statement of the “Great Commission” to “make disciples of all nations."
Matthew’s Gospel seeks to form a community of faith in which people faithfully confess Jesus as “the Messiah and Son of God” and follow him in lives of creative and adventurous discipleship. Journey through the book of Matthew with the Matthew Annual Bible Study from Smyth & Helwys as we venture to live as disciples of Christ.
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