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Products>Almost Redemption: Inspired Stories Based on Actual Supreme Court Rulings

Almost Redemption: Inspired Stories Based on Actual Supreme Court Rulings

ISBN: 9781683501718


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A collection of engaging and entertaining stories that give Supreme Court rulings a spiritual and religious twist.
The progressive Court has pushed religion out of the marketplace of ideas and traditions to protect small groups of citizens who take offense at religious traditions. These protected classes now define a new American tradition that emphasizes sexual freedoms and that runs counter to the Constitution. By creating laws that appear to enhance the lives of women and men, the judiciary has instead created a spiritual vacuum.
Almost Redemption provides readers with compelling stories that are crafted from actual, historically authentic circumstances and that will leave them captivated and engaged. These fictional stories are based on real-life events and are written by an author who knows both the law and literature.
  • Title: Almost Redemption: Inspired Stories Based on Actual Supreme Court Rulings
  • Author: Vicky Wall
  • Publisher: Morgan James Fiction
  • Print Publication Date: 2018
  • Logos Release Date: 2024
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Ebook
  • ISBNs: 9781683501718, 9781683501701, 1683501705, 1683501713
  • Resource ID: LLS:9781683501718
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-04-10T18:01:16Z
Vicky taught in public schools for 33 years in both Chicago and Evanston, Illinois. She graduated from the University of Illinois with a bachelor’s degree in English, from Northwestern University with a master’s degree in English, and Thomas Cooley Law School with a juris doctor degree.


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