Do you ever feel like you just can't catch a break in life? Your bills are stacking up. Your health's not good. Your relationships are beyond frustrating. You feel tied to negative circumstances and are asking, "How did I get here?" There is good news -- You don't have to live broken down and defeated. God created you to experience life and freedom -- even when life feels less than favorable. God gives you the ability to rise above your challenges and to live with supernatural joy. Unfortunately, if you're not intentional, you can live like countless others today -- with blurred vision, limited by circumstances, and flat exhausted. How do you change that? Before your circumstances change, you have to change your perspective. We all need a Perspective Shift! How do you shift your perspective? Well, the New Testament book of Philippians -- written by the Apostle Paul -- holds the keys. In Perspective Shift, we're setting out on a journey to know Christ deeper and to gain practical tools for living life from God's perspective. In this study, let's master these tools and walk in supernatural joy and peace.
Steve Robinson is a pastor, speaker, and author with a ministry of thousands across six physical Church of the King locations, an online campus, and radio and television broadcasts. He is a graduate of Tulane University, and holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. Pastor Steve serves on the boards of Equip, a worldwide leadership organization led by John Maxwell, and Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the author of Extraordinary Living, Simple Prayer, and Hope Again. Pastor Steve's passion is to see people who are far from God reached and discipled into fully-devoted followers of Christ. He and his wife, Jennifer, live in a suburb of New Orleans, Louisiana and are blessed with four children -- Isabelle, Conrad, William, and Annaliese.