Absolutely excellent for students and for adult review. Capsulizes the main events and sayings of Our Lord. Map of the Holy Land. A chronological outline. Perfect for a refresher.
The Rev. Doctor Leslie Rumble, M.S.C., was a priest and author of the twentieth century. He was born in 1892 in Sydney, and regained his family's Catholic faith while employed as a photographer. After sensing a call to the priesthood, he received Holy Orders in 1924, subsequently teaching theology at the Sacred Heart Monastery of Kensington. Four years later, he began a Sunday night radio program on the 2UE station known as the Question Box, during which he answered questions concerning the Catholic faith. Father Rumble was also the author of A Brief Life of Christ, Questions People Ask about the Catholic Church, and The Incredible Creed of the Jehovah Witnesses. He died on the ninth of December, 1975, at the Lewisham Hospital.