Is God a man? If God is our Heavenly Father, does that require God to be male? Does the Bible ever describe God as a mother, as well as a father? If human fathers can show us what God is like, can we see God's image in our mothers too? How do women uniquely reveal the nature of the One who created both male and female in the image of God? Mothers as the Image of God explores answers to these important questions, along with many others. This book guides the reader on a series of biblical reflections designed to help both men and women experience the motherly love of God revealed in Scripture, and to nourish women with the deep confidence that the most feminine aspects of their nature are a profound reflection of the very image of God, an image that is exquisitely displayed through mothering--whether that takes place biologically, through adoption, or by pouring into spiritual children.
“Beautifully written, Mothers as the Image of God animates the heart of Scripture—God’s fierce motherly love—supremely known in Christ. This book nurtured by soul in unforgettable, transforming ways!”
—Mimi Haddad, president, CBE International
“Mothers as the Image of God is a brave, well-written, and provocative dive into a topic either avoided or abhorred—the idea that mothers, not just fathers, reflect the image of God. Throughout this book the consequence of ignoring God’s image as mother is clear: it results in the trivialization of the role of mothering in our salvation, in our formation, in our communities and churches, and ultimately in the identity of women everywhere.”
—MaryKate Morse, mother and author of A Guidebook to Prayer
Juliann Bullock is the mother of three amazing girls and equally amazing twin boys. She and her husband, Jacob, are pastors on Whidbey Island, where they enjoy running, reading to their children, and looking at the ocean. Bullock is currently an MDiv student at Portland Seminary.