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Advanced Timeline

Discover where a biblical or post-biblical event falls in the historical context with Logos’ Timeline tool. You can learn what was happening in other parts of the world during David’s reign or notice which Reformation theologians overlapped. Scroll left or right to see more key moments in Christian history.

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See How Everything Fits in the Context of Church History

See biblical events in their historical context

Ever wondered what was happening in the world during David’s reign? With the Advanced Timeline tool, you can filter and organize events to quickly see how biblical history fits with other significant events from around the world.

Use the Advanced Timeline to learn about key Christian theologians

By tracing the lives of people like Origen, Tertullian, and Irenaeus, along with those from the apostolic age, you can gain a better understanding and appreciation for how Christian thinking has developed and matured over the past two thousand years.

Using the Advanced Timeline, you can pinpoint key theologians, discover their major contributions, and see how their ministries aligned with events in the world around them.


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Logos Bronze and up

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