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Concordance Tool

Instantly study all the words or types of words in a passage with the Concordance Tool. With it, you can easily build a browsable list of places where those words appear in your library, so you can accurately assess major themes in a passage, group of passages, or book of the Bible.

You can explore by translation or lemma morphology, and narrow down the list with language and search fields.

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A Faster Way to Research Words

Build a concordance from a commentary

Enter a commentary title in the Reference box, press Enter, and Logos will build a concordance of all the data in that resource. Once the index is complete, you can organize the content by count or heading, and limit your search to a language or field, like footnotes or surface text.

Locate key words

View your index results by count, and you’ll notice the transliterated form of words that show up in the commentary. Expand the results to see whether that word is a major theme in the book.

Build a concordance of the Greek or Hebrew Bible

If you’re looking to explore major themes in the Greek or Hebrew Bible, generate a concordance and limit the passage range to a specific chapter or passage. Limiting the concordance further to verbs, for example, will reveal the most frequent verbs used in that book or passage. Expand the hits further to discover just how many times a particular word is used.

Search by root words

To better understand how a certain Greek or Hebrew word is built, group all the words with the same root. You can then sort the results by heading, and expand the results to find all the words associated with that root.


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Logos Bronze and up

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Logos Bronze and up

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What Others Are Saying

‘Logos Bible Software brings a broad and deep river of knowledge flowing from my computer. I can open multiple lexicons and technical resources and can fly between them seamlessly. I see it not merely as a Bible study tool. I find it to be a flexible, potent, integrated knowledge system of biblical research and management.’

—James S.