I have noticed something about most people around me. If I ask my friends, coworkers, or family members, “How’s life?” they inevitably answer, “Busy!” I am no exception. Working a full-time job, raising a family, and serving in local church ministry all take their toll. With everything going on, it’s a struggle to continue to learn and grow in understanding the Bible. But if the Word of God is the ultimate rule for faith and practice, how do we make sure we’re letting it inform everything we do?
If you’re like me—longing to learn more but struggling to find the time—there’s an answer: Logos Mobile Education.
Education that fits your life
Mobile Ed is a new way to learn, developed for you exclusively by Logos Bible Software. It’s a mobile learning experience, with personal video lessons from world-class teachers and super-powered transcripts, so you can follow along, highlight your favorite portions, and search through the lessons at any time to find what you need. Mobile Ed courses are also great to go through with your spouse, your small group, or your entire church.
These video lessons are broken up into bite-sized teaching segments. Instead of watching hours of lectures at a time, you can watch a cohesive, logical chunk, or as many as you like. You can grab your phone, tablet, or computer, and dive into a biblical and practical lesson, whether you only have five minutes on the bus or an hour while the kids take a nap. Mobile Ed goes with you, where you are, and fits into your lifestyle.
Learn from the experts
We are filming courses from the leading experts and teachers on many topics, including biblical counseling, practical theology, biblical interpretation, and so much more. If you want to better understand or teach the book of Romans, you can learn with Dr. Douglas Moo as he takes you through the book’s intricacies. If you desire to be a better mentor, friend, or counselor, don’t miss the three-course Elyse Fitzpatrick Bundle comprised of Gospel-Centered Counseling, Our Identity in Christ, and Idolatry and the Power of the Cross.
So if you’re like me—longing to learn more but struggling to find the time—sign up for Logos Mobile Education today!