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What Makes the Reformed Commentary Bundle Unique?

If you’re a frequent user of commentaries, you know that putting together a library of the finest sets and individual volumes is vital to making the most out of your Bible study. The Reformed Commentary Bundle offers a unique opportunity to study Scripture alongside Reformed interpreters from the early days of the Reformation to today.

This bundle includes commentary on all the books of the Bible, but let’s focus on one book. What do commentators have to say about Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians? The Reformed Commentary Bundle includes ­seven commentaries on 1 Corinthians, so you can consult a wide range of sources and compare the interpretations of the early Reformers with modern authors.

Here are the seven commentaries that cover 1 Corinthians:

  • Calvin’s Institutes was such a monumental achievement, it sometimes overshadows the large corpus of sermons and commentaries the great Reformer left behind. But Calvin was a master exegete, and his commentary on 1 Corinthians is well worth reading.
  • German-Reformed theologian Peter Lange’s Commentary is a classic of the nineteenth century which offers insightful and scholarly commentary on the whole of Scripture.
  • Matthew Poole was a seventeenth-century Puritan whose verse-by-verse commentary of the whole Bible has helped pastors craft their sermons for centuries.
  • Spurgeon said that every minister ought to Matthew Henry’s classic commentary at least once. It has introduced many to Reformed theology. This bundle includes the complete, unabridged version—not to be confused with his shorter and less scholarly concise commentary!
  • Paul Barnett’s Focus on the Bible commentary on 1 Corinthians is a readable and pastoral resource that explains the book passage by passage while also providing ample background information and practical application.
  • For more in-depth and exegetical study, Ciampa and Rosner’s Pillar New Testament Commentary on 1 Corinthians offers an excellent technical commentary paired with great practical advice.
  • Finally, for detailed study, Anthony Thiselton’s NIGTC volume on 1 Corinthians offers an extremely thorough engagement with the Greek text of the epistle.

Taken together these resources offer an incredible wealth of insight ranging from classic Reformed sources, to contemporary pastoral commentaries, to modern technical ones. In short, you can find a commentary that fits with the type of study you’re looking to do.

Even better in Logos

With Logos you can easily compare these authors’ thoughts on any passage. Quickly switch between commentaries to compare resources and read them alongside your preferred translation. You can even have the commentary scroll with the Bible to match the passage I’m reading.

Check out some of the other powerful things commentaries can do in Logos..

Bought separately, these commentaries would cost over $3,400.00. Get the Reformed Commentary Bundle now and save!

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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