First Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing,” yet how many of us do?
Prayer is so hard that unless circumstances demand it—tragic accidents, an illness, or saying grace at a meal—many Christians simply don’t.
And without even realizing it, many prize accomplishments and productivity over time in prayer.
In our Faithlife Live with Paul Miller, we explored the incredible importance and power of prayer. Director of a global discipling mission and bestselling author of A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World (300,000 copies sold), Miller shared some valuable insights.
Tim Keller says this of Miller: “If Jesus or Jesus’ saving grace is just an abstraction to you, Paul Miller will be a great help in making his love a living reality to your heart.”
Don’t miss this valuable conversation on the importance of prayer, and catch recordings of all of our Faithlife Lives right here.