Wow… in the past 48 hours I’ve:
- Ridden a total of 12 hours in a car
- Covered 12 square miles of seminary town
- Called about 35 realtors and home owners
- Asked the question, “can you tell me about the house?” over a dozen times
- Committed “breaking and entering” at one house (though no real breaking took place)
- Had two home made smoothies
- Been inside 3 potential rental houses (legally)
- Peaked into, probably, 15 potential rental houses
- Gotten into and out of the car, probably, 75 times
- Played with a dog
- Saw a, probably, rabid ratquilrmunk (rat-squirl-chipmunk hybrid)
- Been attacked by a 3 pound dog
- Been nauseated at a very bizarre community where everyone was white, drove BMW’s, and had horses on their shirts
- Been awoken (twice) at midnight by a vibrating phone
- Missed my wife and kids tremendously
- Searched for houses online for 3+ hours
- Gotten a major project covered by a friend
- Worn short sleeves and flip-flops while enjoying 74 degree weather
- Had one really strong cup of coffee
- Spent a lot of really great time with my brother
- Got to spend less, but very enjoyable, time with my pregnant sister-in-law
- Saw a strange house with a LOT of yard art and a mural of a waterfall painted on it
- Felt nauseous on and off (probably stress related)
- AND FINALLY, found the perfect house for my family to live it for the next year!
Thanks to all who prayed for me. It has been a crazy week and next week is in que to be about the same (included in the week is my 30th birthday). I’m currently at the airport and I think I might nap on the flight home… I think I’ve earned it.