It can be easy to reduce Jonah’s story to the version we might have learned in Sunday school when we were young. Being swallowed by a “big fish” is a story that engages our imaginations and teaches a valuable lesson about obedience. But by focusing...
We love creating unique resources to help you study the Bible. In the latest issue of Bible Study Magazine, we featured the book of James. And to help you maximize your study of this letter, we’ve put together the Lexham Press James Bundle. You can...
Lexham Press has shipped the three newest volumes in the Not Your Average Bible Study Series. If you’ve ordered the collection already, you should already have Sermon on the Mount: Living for God’s Kingdom, 1 Peter: We Are Refugees, and 1–3 John:...
Recently, Lexham Press collected its best content into two massive bundles: the Lexham Press Pastor’s Bundle and the Lexham Press Scholar’s Bundle. Both bundles include 50 volumes and qualify for Dynamic Pricing, so if you’ve invested in Lexham...