So, you’ve read about Charles Spurgeon and Roger Williams, and maybe you even know a good deal about Black theologians like Martin Luther King Jr. or C. T. Vivian. But just as Church history didn’t start at the Reformation, the history of the Black...
The Church season known as Lent is here again. Many Christians who did not grow up practicing the liturgical calendar are now becoming very interested in it. Some are madly in love with all things liturgical, seeing Lent as one way to rediscover...
Is there a sin so terrible it can’t be forgiven? If so, what is the unforgivable sin? The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) all record Jesus’s teaching that the unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:31–32Mark...
For those of you who don’t know me yet, I’m Vik Rajagopal, CEO of Faithlife. I want to take this opportunity to share more information about the strategic direction of Faithlife as we celebrate our 30th anniversary and step into our next thirty...
I knew the NICOT and NICNT commentary series appeared often on, but I was curious to see just how they stacked up, so I did some digging. A few titles especially stood out, and I highlight them below. Beneath that, I include the...
Have you heard people say, “I didn’t learn that in seminary”? Sure, there can be gaps between what you learn in seminary and how you plan to use your studies. (As wide as the gap between translating James from Greek and teaching it to seventh...
If you want to interpret the Bible correctly, you’ll need to use the right tools, and use them rightly. This is surely true for Paul’s letter to the Romans, which is long, complex, and very important to Christian faith and doctrine. Let’s take a...
Sometimes Wisdom Literature can be confusing or wrongly understood through the lens of modern-day culture and context. Yet there is much we can glean from the wisdom of generations of God’s people when those books of the Bible are rightly studied...
Explore what Bible translation is and the value of using different kinds of Bible translations (including helpful charts).
Learn what systematic theology means, the different areas of systematic theology, why Christians should study systematic theology, and more.
If a young preacher stepped into your office asking for your best books on preaching, what would you suggest? Here are a few ideas.
This post is adapted from Delights & Disciplines of Bible Study: A Guidebook for Studying God’s Word by Warren W. Wiersbe. *** It’s unfortunate that some of our gifted Christian poets and songwriters have used Canaan, the promised land, as a...
Today is a day set aside to remember one of the most somber events in history. International Holocaust Day commemorates the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and honors the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and millions of...
If you’re like me, you probably set out each new year with lofty Bible study goals. And then, well—life happens. A few random distractions can quickly turn much-intended goals into a nice idea shelved for next year.
A while back I was working on a project, and I needed help. I was looking for insights Bible readers have gained into Scripture by comparing English Bible translations. The lone rule was that you couldn’t know Greek or Hebrew. I mentioned this...
This excerpt on the return of Jesus is adapted from Dr. Heiser’s book I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible (see all Dr. Heiser’s books). *** Few things in the Bible attract more attention than prophecies about the end times. Even people...
Pastors have a monumental calling. Acts 20:28 instructs, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” Whether you’re...
Is there a best method for how to use Bible commentaries? As songwriter Sara Groves says, “There’s no way to know it without discovery.” Groves isn’t talking about Bible commentaries (or how to use them) when she sings that line, but...
Anyone who is being crucified suffers from dehydration, with the mouth and throat unbearably dry and the tongue grossly swollen (see Ps 22:15). At first Jesus had refused the relief of the offered sour wine (Matt 27:34) so that all of his senses...
The Lexham Bible Dictionary defines Logos (λόγος, logos) as “a concept word in the Bible symbolic of the nature and function of Jesus Christ. It is also used to refer to the revelation of God in the world.” But it’s also arguably...
Salmon are anadromous. That’s a $25 word that feels how terms found in encyclopedias are supposed to feel: formal, scientific. It’s in a higher register of English. But if you know a little Greek, you’ll see immediately that all it means is “running...
Remember always to go on to theology. — Mark Ward In preaching and other Bible teaching, your big strength can become a weakness. If you are good at careful analysis of biblical texts, don’t stop there. Remember always to go on to theology. Analysis...
Today’s post continues Logos Talk’s Christmas Bible study. Check back throughout December for more ways to study the birth of Jesus! The angel Gabriel is one of the prominent characters in the Nativity narrative. He’s remembered as the angel who...
C. S. Lewis books are beloved by many—he is undoubtedly one of the most-read Christian writers of the twentieth century. Some of the more familiar are Mere Christianity, Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, and The Screwtape Letters. Keep...
Image: By Randy Leedy, PhD Many Christians are troubled by textual variants, or the differences in biblical manuscripts. The Bible has scribal errors in it? Then how can I be sure what I’m reading is God’s word? I have...
We all have watershed moments in life, critical turning points where, from that moment on, nothing will ever be the same. One such moment in my own life came when I rediscovered the word elohim. It was in church on a Sunday morning while still in...
Explore the disagreement that exists among evangelicals concerning the inerrancy of Scripture.
C. S. Lewis quotes from the author’s popular fantasy and apologetics books, like the beloved Chronicles of Narnia series, The Screwtape Letters, and Mere Christianity might just be some of the most oft-referenced quotes for Christians. Born...
Should Christians study fringe topics like UFOs and the Bible and whether aliens exist? The existence of UFOs has topped news headlines over the past few weeks, generating quite the buzz, primarily in response to the Pentagon’s soon-to-be-released...
The bivocational pastor is one of the most unique, gifted, and selfless individuals in the Church. That’s because they serve churches that can’t compensate them with full-time pay (or they choose to stay in another job to save the church money)...