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Show Us How You Use Logos

We want to watch you use Logos Bible Software. Do you stick to three or four windows? Open dozens? Tile or cascade? Use tabs? Customize the toolbar?

Logos doesn’t have the resources of a full usability lab, with the cool one-way glass and video recording setup, but we’re hoping we can use technology to make up for it.

We would like to see a screenshot (or several) of how you use the Libronix DLS. If you use several workspaces, a screenshot of each of your favorite workspaces loaded up would be great. Or, even better, a recorded screen video of you doing your Bible study or sermon preparation with the system.

To take a screenshot, press the “PrtScrn” button on your keyboard (or “Alt+PrtScrn” to capture just the active window). Paste it into an email message to
(Or paste it into Microsoft Paint, or another graphics program, and then save it and email it, or FTP it to the directory below.)

Camtasia is a great application for recording your screen to a file—with or without audio. It is what we use for the videos on our site and blog. Camtasia costs $299, but there’s a free, fully functional 30-day trial version available for downloading.

We would really appreciate it if you would download and install Camtasia, record a study session with it, and then send us the Camtasia file (in AVI format). The session should be at least 15 minutes long and it can be with or without an audio track.

We’re not looking for you to do something specific for us, and we’re not looking for you to demo Logos to us—we just want to “look over your shoulder” while you use Logos as you regularly do—for personal Bible study, sermon preparation, etc. (That’s why “no audio” is fine—we don’t want to interrupt your regular work.)

Camtasia records and compresses the screen efficiently, so it’s well suited to a long session even if you’re slowly reading things on the screen. In other words, a screen that doesn’t change for minutes while you’re reading doesn’t take any extra space to record. Don’t feel rushed. Also, we won’t share your recording outside Logos without your permission.

We watched all the videos submitted years ago, and even revisit them on occasion. Getting an updated set will help us plan better for the future. It’s also good for you to show our developers how you work with Logos. You will increase the chance that new feature design is adapted to your needs, and improves on the things that were awkward or time-consuming for you. We do a better job of fixing problems we see. :-)

You can upload the AVI files (ideally named YourName.avi) to Once you copy it there it will “disappear”, but
be stored on our server.

(FTP’ing is easy: just copy the FTP address shown into a file Explorer window and then drag your file into the directory).
Thanks for your help!

Written by
Daniel Foster

Daniel enjoys explaining technology to people, capturing the perfect screenshot, playing board games, and world travel. Not in that order.

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Written by Daniel Foster