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14 Bible Verses about God’s Love for Us

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day on the greeting card calendar for celebrating romantic (or what the Greeks called eros) love. We’d like to twist this day a bit (though there’s nothing wrong with hearts, flowers, and chocolate) and turn our eyes...

Top Bible Verses about Comfort

1. Job 42:10–11 Then Yahweh returned Job’s fortune when he prayed to him on behalf of his friends. Thus Yahweh increased all that Job had twice as much as before. So all his brothers and all his sisters and all those who had known him before came to...

7 Bible Verses on Atonement

atonement [ uh–tohn-muhnt ] Also called: Expiation, Propitiation Reconciliation between God and humanity, specifically through Jesus’ death. Top Bible Verses about Atonement 1. Leviticus 16:29–34 “And this shall be a lasting...

27 Bible Verses about Crises

The Bible doesn’t promise us that life with Jesus is easier. The difference is that when life gets hard, we have somewhere to turn for strength, courage, hope, and peace. When times are tough, these verses are tougher. Here are seven Bible...

How to Lead a Bible Study for Men

There are many good reasons to start a Bible study for men. They include growth in understanding and applying the Bible, mutually encouraging relationships, and ultimately lives pleasing to God that have an impact for his glory. In short, getting...

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