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Politics and Evangelical Christians

There’s a podcast out there called Christ the Center, which is a panel of usually three or four guys of OPC and PCA persuasion who get together to discuss various topics relating to Reformed theology. But regardless of your theological persuasion, I think you will find one of their latest podcasts very helpful. The panel sat down to interview Russell Moore, who is senior vice president of academic administration at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (and so I’m sure our own Terry will know him personally). They discussed his book, The Kingdom of Christ: The New Evangelical Perspective, in order to talk about the relationships of American evangelicals and politics. Moore provides some profound insight into the often distorted relationship of the two, and gives a lot of food for thought especially during this election season. The podcast is available streaming online or for download.

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?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by jake-belder