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Learning in Seminary – Two Cent Tuesday

As we are beginning a new semester of classes, I have been reflecting on what I have learned during the first three semesters and where that learning has taken place. Personally, I have learned more outside of the classroom than I have inside. That is not to say that I have not learned in class. What I am saying is that the Lord has used events outside the classroom to shape my life, faith, and ministry.

As I look back to what has happened the past year and a half since moving to Louisville, KY from the St. Louis area, I have seen that there are lessons I would not have been able to learn without leaving home. For most seminarians attending seminary is a step of faith. This is even more true for those who have families. So, I ask, where has God taught you the most during your time as a seminary student?



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Terry Delaney
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Written by Terry Delaney